Squaresoft ætlar ekki að gefa út Final Fantasy XI á XBoxið, svo og aðra consolea, samkvæmt Coremagazine(Yes, willie proof news).

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“Square Talks Sony Investment

10.11 9pm EST

Earlier this week Square agreed to answer questions regarding their recently announced investment deal with Sony. Under the terms of the agreement, Sony will pay 14.9 billion yen ($124.4 million) for an estimated 19% stake in the company. While the deal is expected to be finalized later this month, the sizable investment would make Sony the second largest shareholder in Square.

Question: Was Sony's decision to invest mostly due to the poor performance of Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, and the precarious financial position it put Square in?

Square: Although the film grossed much less than we expected, that wasn't the main reason behind Sony's decision to invest. That being said, the cost of the film and the time we spent in production was twice what we anticipated. We have no plans to continue a film business, but we did acquire valuable skills in the process. For example, superior CG production which can be applied to games such as Final Fantasy X. We plan to work on other CG related projects, and we believe that aspect of our business outside of gaming will continue to grow.

Question: President Hisashi Suzuki recently said that Square is looking to return to a ‘glory days’ period. Can you explain this?

Square: I believe he meant our focus is to have several game series selling millions of copies annually, as opposed to banking on one or two.

Question: Does that mean you plan to revive old series?

Square: Not necessarily. I think he meant it's important for us to have a variety of popular games. We have a few new games in production, but it's too early to discuss them.

Question: Do you plan to reconsider the PlayOnline network?

Square: I think we've continued to reexamine our business ideas, particularly in regard to the PlayOnline network every few months. At the moment, our focus is to develop an online network which will support Final Fantasy XI. We're narrowed our focus somewhat, but our goals remain the same.

Question: How will Sony's investment change Square's relationship with Namco & Enix?

Square: We have a unique mutual-investment relationship with Namco and Enix, but that's wholly separate from Sony. I don't think it will have any affect whatsoever.

Question: Some people have expressed concern that Square will back away from possible development on Xbox, GameCube or Game Boy Advance as a result of Sony's investment. Can you shed some light on that?

Square: We plan to continue pursuing Game Boy Advance development. As for the GameCube or Xbox, we have no plans to support either one at this point. Our business model is to support the best selling platform, so our focus is firmly on the PlayStation 2.

– Translation Asst. Tsuno Okashi”

This news was from yesterday. Enjoy. <br><br>—————————————————————“Let me ask you this question. If this kind of benefit is one of the advantages of Xbox, why couldn't they demonstrate very nice, early titles at E3? And another question, if the system is easy to develop for, does that necessarily mean you'll get very nice titles? Will you ask Mr. Spielburg or James Cameron if shooting pictures is easier using one kind of camera?”“”"

Ken Kutaragi