Ég held að þetta muni ekki verða svona.Örugglega ekki svona.

That's what a new analysts' report reckons, anyway

Sony have already won the next generation of console wars and PlayStation 3 will have sold three times more than Xbox 2 in Europe by 2010 - according new a new report by analysts the Informa Media Group. The study claims that 32 million PS3 consoles will have been shifted by the end of the decade, compared to 10 million for Xbox 2 and just five million for Nintendo's N5.

“Sony is set to exploit the lead it established with the PS2 but will face a much stronger challenge from Microsoft, who is determined not to be left chasing Sony next time,” says the report's author Toby Scott. “Meanwhile, Nintendo seems set to play to its strengths and emphasise game quality and innovation over processor horsepower.”

But don't bin your PS2, Xbox or Gamecube just yet, though: the report also suggests that the current generation of consoles could also remain on sale till the end of the decade.

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