Eftirfarandi birtist á IGN Cube í dag:

<i>Today, IGNcube learned from the Nikkei Index that Nintendo has decided not to release a successor to the GameCube.

Nintendo has decided that it will diversify its game library and sell new peripherals to make the current hardware more appealing to consumers instead of competing directly with Microsoft or Sony.

Nintendo's current plan is to begin releasing these new peripherals in early 2005. There have been no further details on what these peripherals may be or why they would be more appealing to Nintendo fans than a new console.

President Satoru Iwata stated that the reasoning behind delaying the release of a new console is that “customers are fully satisfied with the performance of the current model.”

Nintendo still plans to release a new console, but for the next three years it will be content with merely adding features to the GameCube.

Today's news conflicts with George Harrison's recent words. Last September in an interview with IGNcube, he noted, “GameCube will sell well until the next system's launch and I think historically the preceding consoles continue to sell for, say, a year after the following system. We believe now that the next systems won't launch until the end of 2005 or into 2006. That's based on our commitment that we will be at the market at the same time at our competitor's launch and our reading of the marketplace and whether they will be ready by the end of 2005 or not.”

In an interview with Electronic Gaming Monthly, George Harrison expressed the same sentiments. When asked when we will see the next GameCube, Harrison replied, “We haven't fixed a date yet, but we've said that we understand the importance of not being late next time, so we'll be ready with our competitors. Following the press, it looks increasingly like Sony will have difficulty making the fall of 2005. We're working to meet them in the market, but we'll see when we get there. It's important for us to have great software – we know that launching without it won't work, but we also realize that we can't be a year late again, as we were with the GameCube.”

In IGNcube's recent interview with Perrin Kaplan, she said, "You know, we're always working on our next system. The minute something launches we always begin [on the next], which is pretty much what we always have done.“

IGNcube has contacted Nintendo of America and is waiting for an official statement. We'll update as soon as we learn anything.

Þar hafið þið það, engin N5 í nokkur ár í viðbót, bara dót fyrir Gamecube.

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