Ég sendi bréf til Nintendo varðandi DNF og fékk þetta svar

We no longer plan to release Duke Nukem Forever. Nintendo and its licensee
companies are able to produce only a limited number of titles, and we currently
have more great game titles than we can develop. When it comes time to pick
which titles will actually be made, we choose those that will provide the best
entertainment value to the most people.

For complete information on all new or upcoming games for our systems, go to
www.nintendo.com and open the “Game List” (located in the upper-right corner of
our main page). If you need to narrow your search for a specific game category
(based on release date, publisher, number of players, etc.), try using our
Advanced Filtering option. When you bring up your desired listing of game
titles, you can click on the name of a game to find out all the information that
we currently have available on it. If the information you are looking for is
not yet available, please keep checking back. When there is new information to
share on announced games or other upcoming products, our web site is the best
official source!

Remember, any posted release dates are estimates and subject to change. When it
gets close to a product's estimated release date, you may want to check with
your local retailers to see when it may be available in your area.
Thanks for your email and good luck with all your games!

Nintendo of America Inc.

45 tölvuleikir sem voru í þróun fyrir GameCube hafa hingað til verið aflýstir. Eitthvað af þessum leikjum hefur komið út í Bandarikjunum eða Japan eða á öðrum leikjatölvum. Aðrir koma aldrei út. Það eru örugglega margir leikir sem eru á release listum sem er hætt að þróa. Svo eru margir leikir sem hafa aldrei verið tilkynntir sem birtast samt á release listum og þýðir það að þau koma kannski aldrei út. Dæmi um leik sem hefur verið birt á release listum en hefur aldrei verið tilkynntur og eru 50/50 líkur á að komi út: Paper Mario.

1. Army Men RTS

2. Armada 2: Star Command

3. Battlebots

4. Black and White: Titans

5. Bloodrayne 2

6. Car Combat (Thunder Rally) (Retro Studios)

7. Celebrity Deathmatch

8. Chariots: The First Olympics

9. Club Football

10. Dead Phoenix (einn af “Capcom Five”, nú “Capcom Four”))

11. Donkey Kong Racing (Rare)

12. Driver 3

13. Dr. Muto

14. Dungeons & Dragons Heroes

15. Enclave

16. Futurama

17. Gravity Games Bike: Street. Vert. Dirt.

18. Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance

19. I-Ninja (kemur ennþá í Bandaríkjunum)

20. Kao the Kangaroo 2

21. Kameo: Elements of Power (Rare)

22. Legends of Wrestling III

23. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

24. Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter

25. Mafia

26. Mythos: Young Olympians

27. NBA Jam

28. NFL QB Club 2003

29. Picassio

30. PilotWings (kemur á næstu Nintendo tölvu)

31. Rally Fusion: Race of Champions (Retro Studios?)

32. Raven Blade (Retro Studios)

33. RTX Red Rock

34. Starsky & Hutch

35. Street Racing Syndicate

36. Stung!

37. The Suffering

38. Thornado (heimildir: IGN mailbag, hvorki annarstaðar)

39. Too Human (kemur á næstu Nintendo tölvu)

40. Toxic Grind

41. V-Rally 3

42. Wakeboarding Unleashed Featuring Shaun Murray

43. World Series Baseball 2K3

44. ónefndur leikur eftir Acclaim

45. Psi Ops

46. Duke Nukem Forever

Evolution Worlds var cancelled í Evrópu, en kom samt út.

<br><br>Perfect Dark is forever
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