Ég veit ekkert um leikinn en bjóst við að þetta myndi örugglega verða First Person Shooter, þar sem tveir menn sem unnu einnig að Perfect Dark stofnuðu fyrirtækið Zoonami. Nú las ég á IGN að þetta verði ekki FPS heldur eitthvað mjög frumlegt. Leikurinn hefur verið í gerð exclusively fyrir GameCube í meira en tvö ár.

Game Zero a Perfect Dark Killer?
Several years ago ex-Rare project leader Martin Hollis and company formed a small UK-company called Zoonami, which Nintendo on numerous occasions admitted it had partnered with. Ever since, rumors have suggested the small developer has been working on a first-person shooter and more precisely, a Perfect Dark killer. True or false? We hate to disappoint, but it's false. Zoonami specifically stated that, in fact, it's not working on a FPS and that instead it's doing something entirely original.

An design doc mockup posted on the developer's website details a project known tentatively as “Game Zero,” and it seems to feature sci-fi elements including planetary travel. Little else has been revealed about the game.

Considering, however, that the title has been in development under Nintendo's guidance for at least two years, there's a strong chance that it may be shown in one form or another in the not too distant future. Let's hope.

So that about wraps it up – for now. Look for more Fact or Fiction articles in the future as new rumors begin to circulate once more. In the meantime, don't forget to check out IGNPS2's Fact or Fiction write-up for round-ups on hearsay regarding the PlayStation 2 console.

<br><br>Perfect Dark is forever
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