Hvað vinna margir ex-Rare employees hjá þessu fyrirtæki sem er að þróa ótilkynntan exclusive GameCube leik?

Þeir eru tveir.
1. Martin Hollis (Project Leader á Perfect Dark)
2.Ed (ekki hugmynd hver þetta er, veit það einhver? Það stendur ekkert um hann í Biographies á Zoonami.com

Hvað vinna margir margir hjá Free Radical Design sem unni líka hjá Rare? Um það bil fjórir. Svo er einn gaur yfir hjá Retro Studios. Ég veit ekki hvort hann vann við Pefect Dark.

Heimildir úr Raretopia:
I have heard that after Perfect Dark was released for the Nintendo 64, many of the PD team members left Rare to go about their own business ventures. Some of them went to Free Radical to work on the TimeSplitters series while Martin Hollis left to start his own company Zoonami. How many of the original PD team members left Rare after finishing Perfect Dark and how many still remain at Rare?

The exodus actually took place in 1998, when PD had only been in the works for about a year. The team, which back then was basically the same one that did GoldenEye 007, consisted of a dozen members, half of who left Rare. Over the course of the next couple of years, the PD team was gradually filled with new employees and ended up with sixteen members by the title's release, among them four from the original GoldenEye 007 team.

After completing Perfect Dark, half of the team continued work on the sequel while a small offshoot went to work on the now-cancelled Quest. Some of these people have since rejoined the PDZ team, which means that most of the key PD team members are now on PDZ as well. In other words, the people that made Perfect Dark excellent will be there to make Perfect Dark Zero even better.

<br><br>Perfect Dark is forever
<a href="http://nemendur.khi.is/wilholbr">http://nemendur.khi.is/wilholbr</a