Tekið af Gamespot:

<i> Nintendo confirms that a limited edition Ocarina of Time bonus disk will be available with copies of The Wind Waker in Europe.

Nintendo of Europe has today announced that the European version of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker will include a limited edition bonus disk similar to that being given away with pre-ordered copies of the game in North America. The bonus disk includes the N64 game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the unreleased Master Quest edition of the same game that was designed for release on the N64DD, and gameplay footage of a number of other GameCube titles including F-Zero, 1080 Avalanche , TimeSplitters 2, Phantasy Star Online, Rayman 3, and Super Monkey Ball 2.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is scheduled for release in Europe on May 3, and in North America on March 24. For more information, check out our previous coverage of the game. </i>

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<br><br>“Danir eru bara stoned Svíar í sandölum” <i>Jón Gnarr</i
“Danir eru bara stoned Svíar í sandölum”