Jæja, ég hef verið að bíða eftir þessu, IGN með sínar first impressions. Ég kíkti á síðuna þeirra og sá þetta. En þar sem mér fannst vera nokkrar spoiler myndir þá ákvað ég að paste-a þetta bara.

What is it with Link and dozing off during the day? Nintendo's Zelda bonus disk, which includes a GameCube port of the N64 Ocarina of Time, reminded us that when Navi first encounters Link in the game, the long-eared hero is asleep. The same thing happens in The Wind Waker, as we found out when playing through the final import version of the game for the first time today, only it isn't Navi doing the finding, it's Link's sister.
We'll avoid filling you in on the rest of the game's story, as we're certain you'd like to experience it for yourself. From what we've seen thus far in our limited play time, story will assume a bigger role in the series this time around. This shouldn't be too much of a surprise, though, as Nintendo has been slowly progressing in that direction, and the GameCube at last does away with cartridge limitations.

We've only been able to play just a bit of the game as of this writing, unfortunately, but Nintendo's penchant for timing and getting players into the game is obvious right off the bat. You start off on Link's peaceful home island. This area is really just a prologue to the main game, with the residents teaching you how to operate link and do battle. Don't worry about slow pacing with this particular game, though, as within the first ten minutes you're off on the seas as Link's quest to save his sister from her kidnappers begins.

As far as gameplay is concerned, we haven't encountered anything beyond what's been mentioned in previous playtests. We were only able to fight a couple of enemies before turning off the system to assemble these videos. The most interesting new gameplay discovery actually comes from the manual and regards the use of a specially-developed Hyrule alphabet throughout the game. See this story for more on the alphabet.

Playing in the home has given us an even greater appreciation for the game's artistic elements, with the bold new visual style managing to somehow shine through even more. We've come to appreciate the little touches, like how Link's face follow townsmen as he runs by them, the little streaks of wind blowing through the land every now and then, and all the life in the world, from flying birds to squirming pigs. We never mentioned it before, but the game does indeed seem to run at sixty frames per second at all times, and the result is an unmatched, rock-solid look with smoothness in all facets of movement. We were already sure of it having played through previous demos of the game, but it's clear that Nintendo has mastered this particular graphic style like no one before.

We've also had the chance to scrutinize the game's sound a bit more. The music looks to be classic stuff once again, with a cheery title track, yet another variation on the classic Zelda Overworld theme used during the intro, and situation specific mood music used in enemy encounters. There are a few cartoon-style touches to the music that match the game's visual style flawlessly.

On the flip side, we have to admit having been spoiled on both accounts by having experienced Zelda on a progressive scan television and through a dolby surround system. The game looks and sounds great even without, but those with the proper technology are in for an even greater treat (Peer, can I have more money?) [Edit from Peer: No, Anoop.]

We'll play through a bit further and be back with lots more on Zelda: The Wind Waker shortly, but in the meanwhile, have a look at these video and audio clips and scans of the box and instruction manual.

Lofar góðu. Ég er ánægðastur með að leikurinn virðist runna á 60 f/s. Fyrir neðan þetta voru svo ýmis download og thumbnails fyrir ýmis video. Þar sá ég mynd af title screeninu sem ég er alls ekki ánægður með. Hrmph. <br><br>Roggi - <A HREF="http://www.roggi.homestead.com/roggi.html“>Besta Zelda síðan</A>
<img src=”http://www.roggi.homestead.com/files/undirskrift1-full-loop.gif"