Bungie eru að sögn komnir langt á leið með leikinn. Hann mun m.a. vera spilanlegur í gegnum XBOX Live og mun hafa fullt af nýjum vopnum og farartækjum. Halo 2 er væntanlegur í verslanir jólin 2003 samkvæmt Microsoft.
Hér fylgir smá lýsing á trailernum sem var sýndur á X02:
“<i>As the Master Chief enters the hangar, it is revealed that his spacecraft is orbiting Earth–and that Earth is under heavy fire from Covenant warships. The Covenant are the enemy race from the original Halo game, and it seems that they have found the human homeworld and are seeking to destroy it outright. Therefore, the Master Chief's new mission is clear: defend Earth and save humankind. The Master Chief casts open the airlock of his ship and literally hurls himself into outer space, toward Earth. His suit can apparently withstand the void of space, but won't he be incinerated during atmospheric entry? But the Chief isn't jumping down to Earth–he lands, hard, on a Covenant ship and prepares his assault. The trailer ends there.</i>”
-Royal Fool
<a href="http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020808/sfth019_1.html“>Fréttatilkynning á Yahoo Finance</a>
<a href=”http://www.gamespydaily.com/news/screenshots.asp ?id=3786“>Frétt á GameSpy</a>
<a href=”http://www.bungie.net/perlbin/blam.pl?file=/site /1/news/stories/halo_2_announced.html“>Fréttatilkynnin g á Bungie.org</a>
<a href=”http://www.bungie.net/perlbin/blam.pl?file=/site /1/site/halo/features/screenshots.html">Skjáskot á Bungie.com</a