Er alveg að verða tilbúin. Hellingur af breytingum. Listinn fylgir á eftir.

Ég er að spá hvort menn væru til í að taka þátt í að prófa Betu 2.3 með mér. Myndi virka þannig að ég set upp server sem er að keyra þetta og svo láta ykkur fá það sem þið þurfið.
Þið mættuð ekki dreyfa þessu frekar og vera til í að downlóda um 1.4 meg pak fæl við og við ef buggar finnast.

Hvað segjiði ? er fílingur fyrir þessu ? Jafnvel hægt að skipuleggja “date” eins og kl 22:00 á hverju kvöldi væri leikur en menn gætu samt leikið sér með þetta eins og þeir vildu.

Breytingar frá 2.25:

* Fixed a bug where all items could be dropped.
* Tweaked helmet control.
* Fixed a bug that forced players into follow mode spec after death.
* Lots of TDM fixes.
* Fixed the UI to report correct teamnames in the join menu.
* Bumped the version to 2.3
* Added a helmet. (g_RQ3_haveHelmet 1 to activate it)
* Repositioned the lasersight in the UI item preview. Its now centered.
* Resized the Lasersight and Silencer in the UI item preview.
* Added g_RQ3_tdmMode (0 = TP style, 1 = DM style) including UI support.
* Added cg_RQ3_weaponname (cg_RQ3_knife, cg_RQ3_mk23, etc) to allow people to implement weapon replacements.
* Fixed the HC+Bandolier ammo bug
* TeamDM is now working RQ3 style.
* Added g_RQ3_allWeapons and g_RQ3_allItems.
* Enhanced the give command so give all now gives all items. give items now exsists also.
* Added PunkBuster client and server support to the UI
* Replaced the item code. We now can do multiple items. g_RQ3_maxItems controls how many
* MM: Changed g_RQ3_refPass to g_RQ3_RefPassword
* MM: Fixed Referee's console messages, to print [REFEREE] and not [SPECTATOR], except when playing and using say_team
* MM: Adjusted “settings” command for referees ( less restrictions for referees )
* MM: Adjusted “ref help” msgs
* MM: New Ref Command: hearAll - allow to read all printed console messages from both teams, IF the ref is spectating
* MM: New Ref Command: ready - If there are referees in game, there has to be at least one referee ready for the game to start/continue
* MM: New Ref Command: teamReady <team1 / team2> - Forces ready/unready on selected team
* MM: New Ref Command: teamName <team1 / team2> <name> - Forces Name on selected team
* MM: New Ref Command: teamModel <team1 / team2> <model> - Forces Model on selected team
* Fixed the chasecam so ref's will be able to use all the chasecam modes.
* Fixed the cg_RQ3_autoaction code up a bit more to show the map name, and a few other fixes
* Fixed the radio_power system.
* say_team messages no longer flow to all in CTB.
* Menus no longer list players on DM servers as spectators.
* Damage for headshots (mp5 especially) tweaked.
* The owned sound (knife slashing kills) now just played for attacker and victim.
* CTB now has the same 20 second delay for starting a map as TP has (including countdown)
* Added propper handling of players who join CTB games while in progress.
* g_RQ3_teamXname cvars now set to black/silver in CTB.
* the team cmd (with no arguments) now knows the CTB teams.
* Enhanced matchmode so it now works for CTB.
* Bots know how to pick up cases in CTB.
* Weapon banning implemented via the g_RQ3_weaponban cvar.
* callvote and vote cmd's now know about CTB spectators and dead players.
* MP5 headshots now deal the correct amount of damage.