<a href="http://www.planetquake.com/lvl/“>LvL</a> kortsíðan hefur enn og aftur updeitað sig með 5 nýjum kortum og er eitt af þeim Uncle's Inspiration sem gert var af Druzla.
Það sem sagt er um það hljóðar svona:

”A maze of grey stone ledges, platforms and corridors around two open areas. The layout, architecture and item placement are really well thought out to reward the skilled player. There are some tricky jumps to key items and lots of well thought out architectural details like small ledges at exactly the right height to make certain jumps possible. The windows and slots from connecting sections are another nice touch. The game play is very vertical, and the flow is smooth with excellent connectivity and good frame rates. The author has made good use of sound cues with water and metal walkways. Lighting is not great and it gets a bit dark in places. Bots tend to focus around one area so bot play is enjoyable but a human opponent is much more fun.
Grab it"