Fred Nilsson, starfsmaður ID Software, en betur þekktur sem Fredo, hefur gefið út nýtt “official” 1v1 map fyrir Quake III Arena. Kortið heitir Pro-Q3tourney7, og ber skv höfundi nokkurn keim af The Edge (q2dm1), þótt undirritaður eigi ekki gott með að koma auga á það. :)

Kortið er fremur opið, og við fyrstu sýn nokkuð railvænt. Látum orð höfundar lýsa því:

“It was a map I found in our old Quake3 archives, but was cut for one reason or another. It had been started it long ago, but never finished it.. So I thought I'd give it a shot. I believe it was being made as an homage to the Edge from Q2.. So it does have a few similarities to that masterpiece which was q2dm1…

I loved the layout, and it seemed like it would play really well with some item tweaks, and a few map adjustments.. Please excuse my non level designing skills, as it's not the prettiest map. ;|

Oh, btw, Thanks to all the players who helped me figure out the ”funnest“ items/weapons. I tried to get feedback from alot of the top players, as I wanted it to play well.”

Unnt er að sækja kortið <a href="“>hér</a> á Skráin fer einfaldlega í baseq3 möppuna, og unnt er að spila það á 1v1 þjónum Skjálfta með að skrifa ”/callvote map pro-q3tourney7".

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