Í gær kom út nýjasta version af RQ3, 3.1 og hérna eru helstu breytingar:

-In-game server browser now fixed to show RQ3 3.x games, yay!
-Added an error message to the /radio command to let you know if your bind is messed up and you're trying to play a radio sound that does not exist
-Allowed CTB radio sounds to also be played in other team-based modes
-Added a Zoom Sensitivity Lock during fire sequence of ssg to improve aiming
-Added local cvar cg_RQ3_ssgZoomSensLock to enable or disable the feature above (default enable)
-Upgraded the gamesource RQ3 is built on from 1.29h to 1.32b
-Removed most of the unlagged stuff. Only optimized prediction and smooth clients remains.
-With allWeapon/allItems enable it won't toss weapons/items when you die
-Various helmet bugs fixed.
-Successful mapvote now waits for a round to end in TP

Hægt er að sækja upgrade'ið <a href="http://static.hugi.is/games/quake3/RQ3/ReactionQuake3-v3.1-Update.exe“>hérna</a> (.exe, 6.46mb) eða <a href=”http://static.hugi.is/games/quake3/RQ3/ReactionQuake3-v3.1-Update.zip“>hérna</a> (.zip, 4.76mb) eða ef þið eruð ekki búin að setja upp 3.0 þá getiði sótt full version <a href=”http://static.hugi.is/games/quake3/RQ3/ReactionQuake3-v3.1-Full.zip">hérna</a> (.zip, 312.32mb)

Vil endilega biðja fólk um að ná í þetta og mæta á #rq3pickup.is á skrá sig. Annars er irc rásin okkar á ircnet #reaction.is .