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A mother has spoken of how her two-year-old daughter suffered horrific facial injuries after she was attacked by the new pet dog.

Jade Wardle put her arm around Hooch, a Labrador-cross, when it suddenly lunged at her face without warning just three days in its new home.

Rochelle Wardle, had to kick the three-year-old dog, to make it loosen its grip before rushing outside where friends and family telephoned an ambulance.

The youngster needed plastic surgery for her injuries and also had to have a tear duct replaced during surgery.

Ms Wardle from County Durham, told how the pet had been “tremendous” with them in the short time they had owned it. The mother and daughter were in the kitchen of their home when the attack happened.

She said: “Things could have been far worse and I dread to think what would have happened if I had not been there. There was no growling or snarling, he just went for her face, it was awful.

”He was such a lovely dog in the first three days and this is such a shock.

“I cannot believe what happened. I don't think it was an aggression thing but more a jealousy thing with the affection I was showing Jade.”

The couple who originally sold the dog arrived on Sunday to take it back, before Rochelle and Jade returned from hospital.

She added: "As far as I know they were going to have it put down.