Hann hefur örugglega komið hér áður, en samt, gjörið svo vel:

Once upon a time there was a man called Bob. He was an average man with an average life, who died like the rest of us one day.
Once in the Afterlife, a beautiful woman unlike any other he has ever seen before is waiting for him. Next to her is a ladder leading higher up in the clouds.
As he approaches her, she says:

“Stay here with me or climb up the ladder to success.”

Caught in a dilemma, he finally decides to go up the ladder, hoping for something more.
And low and behold, an even more beautiful woman is waiting for him.

“Stay here with me or climb up the ladder to success.”

He quickly climbs the ladder to the next level.

This goes on for a while, the women getting more beautiful every time while Bob gets more excited.

Finally, after declining the offer to stay with a female who should've been called a goddess, he climbs up the ladder the last time.

Waiting for him, standing there in all his glory, is none other than the most repulsive Man he'd ever seen or imagined. As he stands there in shock, the man approaches and says:

“Hi, I'm Cess.”


Ég fyllti bara upp í eyðurnar, þetta er ekki orðréttur brandarinn, en hann virkar.

Takk fyrir.
Amroth Palantír Elensar