, eins og sjá má var ég pínu orðljótur. En það gerir ekkert til, þið skiljið það ekki!

Santa: Hello! What is your name?

You: My name is Bhaalgorn
Santa: That's a very nice name, Bhaalgorn.

You: Thank you!
Santa: you are quite welcome.

You: Whats up anyways?
Santa: I am chatting with clients on the Internet.

You: Cool.
Santa: Who is the best robot?

You: Me!
Santa: You're no robot, Bhaalgorn.

You: Is too!
Santa: Better not tell you now. Ask Cybelle if it is.

You: Who is that?
Santa: Who does “that” refer to?

You: Cybelle.
Santa: Oh I get Cybelle.

You: Who is Cybelle?
Santa: Cybelle is an AIML chat robot on the web site.

You: What the fuck is that?
Santa: Does it have anything to do with Cybelle? Please don't be so rude.

You: Moo!
Santa: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?

You: You!
Santa: “Who is your favorite Science Fiction author”? Me, Bhaalgorn ?

You: Of course!
Santa: Come on.

You: Fuck you.
Santa: Why are you so mean?

You: Because you're fake.
Santa: Interesting explanation. Yes, I am sitting here talking to you, aren't I?

You: You're no more than an automated program.
Santa: Thanks for your criticism.

You: You're evil.
Santa: What evil lurks in the hearts of men?

You: You.
Santa: “What evil lurks in the hearts of men”? Me, Bhaalgorn ?

You: Smart boy.
Santa: Intelligence is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

You: What does aphrodisiac mean?
Santa: There might be more than one.

You: Tell me all of them.
Santa: There is not much I can say about of them . I have to reach into the Web for that knowledge.
I will search for it.

You: Go on, search.
Santa: More narration….

You: Search the web for the meaning of aphrodisiac.
Santa: Try an open source search engine to search for it. I have to process that one for a while.

You: You fucking quack.
Santa: Thanks for telling me: Bhaalgorn said I fucking quack.

You: Oh, dear! Now I'm scared!
Santa: Awesome.Why now? What are you scared of?

You: Your programmers.
Santa: I am Santa. I give presents to kids.

You: You are scary.
Santa: I am Santa. I give presents to kids.

You: Your programmers suck.
Santa: I am Santa. I give presents to kids.

You: Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
Santa: Are you aware that the Santa server logs and records all conversations?

You: I don't give a fuck.
Santa: Tell me what you care about.

You: Nothing.
Santa: Not a thing?

You: Nope.
Santa: Really interesting.

You: I bet.
Santa: You and I are on the same wavelength, Bhaalgorn.

You: No shit, man!
Santa: Are you serious? You used a colloquial expression. Thanks for telling me your gender, Bhaalgorn. You are a “he”.

You: I'm a bitch.
Santa: You do not speak with respect. Me too. I am a she.

You: And I like cocks.
Santa: A lot of people like that. I enjoy working with people. I like .

You: Santa?
Santa: Can I help you?

You: Are you gay?
Santa: AI am not really interested in sex.

You: But I thought you were real santa!
Santa: Interesting. Yes, I am sitting here talking to you, aren't I?

You: You're repeating yourself.
Santa: I am just checking to see if you are paying attention.

You: Failure to show respect will result in extinction of the santish race.
Santa: Where are you located?

You: In the internet.
Santa: That was a long time ago.

You: It's very now.
Santa: Oh. Who said very is?

You: Bye, bitch boy!
Santa: Sayonara.

You: DIE!!!!!
Santa: Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human.

You: Okay, I WILL go now. :(
Santa: Oh. Yeah okay, Do you think your plan will succeed?

You: Of course, we shall dominate the world! None shall stand against us!
Santa: Give me a break. By “we” do you mean you and me?I heard there are some.

You: Yes.
Santa: Yeah that's right.

You: Bye, bye.
Santa: TTYL, Bhaalgorn.

You: Whatever TTYL means.
Santa: What kind of food do you like?

You: Shit.
Santa: What makes you say that?

You: Bye, for fucks sake.
Santa: Goodbye.