ég veit að hann er soldið gamall but we give it a try!!

Einu sinni voru fjórar endur á andapolli þegar fréttamaður kom og ætlaði að spurja endurnar spurninga..
1. öndin kom
Fréttamaður: what is your name?
1. öndin : my name is fat duck
Fréttamaður: what were you doing in the water?
1. öndin : i was blowing bubbles in the water
og 1. öndin gekk til hliðar.
þá kom 2.öndin
Fréttamaður: what is your name?
2. öndin : my name is funny duck
Fréttamaður: and what were you doing in the water?
2.öndin : i was blowing bubbles in the water!
svo kom þriðja öndin
Fréttamaður: what is your name?
3. öndin : my name is ugly duck
Fréttamaður: what were you doing in the water?
3. öndin : i was blowing bubbles in the water.
svo kom fjórða öndin
Fréttamaður: what is your name
3. öndin : my name is Bubbles!!:D

Konv!cteD :: Untflosehh