Ef þið móðgist auðveldlega ekki lesa þetta þá.

It was April 1st and a man was out of town on business. He got a call telling him his wife had gone into labour and so he rushed back to the hospital to be by her side. Upon arrival he asked the nurse where to find his wife and was informed the baby had already been born. He was taken to the room where the baby lay and upon seeing his surname pointed the baby out to the nurse “yes thats my baby”.
The nurse picked up the baby and promptly dropped him on his head on the floor. The man was shocked. The nurse then picked him up and slapped the baby several times around the face. The man was horrified and shouted for the nurse to stop. With this the the nurse proceeded to swing the baby by the legs, knocking it's head against the wall. “Stop you're killing my baby!” yelled the man.

“April Fools! It was born dead.”

Ég varaði ykkur við.