Ok ég man ekki alveg eftir brandaranum en datt í hug að senda hann inn.

Bob had just finished highschool and was going to celabrate it with his gf. But there was a slight problem : His little brother was sharing room with him and they slept in a koja(man ekki rétta orðið :/ ). But Bob thought it was ok. So that night they went to his house and they saw his little brother sleeping in the lower bench, so they go to the top one. Bob said his gf to be quiet so if she wanted it faster she said salad, and if she wanted it harder she said tomato. So she says : Tomato , salad , tomato , salad , salad!!! she screams : I can't get pregnant! So he takes his toy out right away but after 2 secs his brother yells : Hey stupids , stop making sandwiches up there im getting mayonaise all over my face!!!

Vonandi föttuðuð þið hann :)