Two friends were talking when one of them said “i have this terrible pain in my elbow”, the other one said “why dont you go to the drugstore and try that new machine?”, what machine?, you just need to pie in a glass and spoil it in the machine, then you need to give the machine 10 dollars and it will tell you everything you need to know about your pain!!!
The man doesn't beleve him but says “i'll do it anyway”, he walkes to the drugstore and gives the machine his urin and puts 10 dollars in to it, later the machine says “your elbow is restless and you have to take a time out of work, you also need to drink a glass of milk every day” the man does what he was told to do and starts geting much better, then he thinks this machine is a miracle and wonders if he could trick it, so he pies in a glass, then he takes a bit of his daughter pie to and blood from his wife, then he picks a few hairs from his dog and to top it all he masterbates in the glass and goes to the drugstore, spoils the liquid and puts in 10 dollars, then the machine starts working and finally says "your daughter is on drugs, your wife is sleeping with the postman, your dog is going to die soon and please stop masterbating, its terrible bad for your elbow!!!!!!