Hally:ég er flördi
Harry:ég er flördi
Hally:þú lýgur
Hally:ég er á hassi
Harry:ég er á engkaryki og smack
Harry:ég er með alnæmi
Hally:cool ég lýka
Harry:tökum blautan gaffal og stingum honum upp i instunguna og gáum hvor fær raflost á undan
Hally:haho ha ahhh
Harry:Wake up sleepyhead i got smack
Hally:sweet remember puff puff pass
Hally:is that code name for sex
Harry:No stop touching my there
Hally:ohhhhohhh babyYeah give it to me
Harry:DUDE thats my couch
Hally:ohhhh youre sorry
Harry:thats my dog ohhh good (barf)
Harry:no smack for you
Hally:nooooo Puff puff puff remember
Hally:thats cool no smack for me vell,no horse tranquliser
Harry:okey you can have smack but give me the tranqulisers
Hally:here are the horsy sleepers
Harry:cool….wooow rippy.horsy horsy
Hally:yhe i think ill have some
Hally:zzzzfuck my
Harry zzzztakezzzzzzmy
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