A student was touring Scotland to get to know the Skottish culture. He stopped at a local bar in a small town and had something to eat and drink. He sat there until the bar was closing. Only he, the bartender and an old man remained.
The old man was a little drunk so the bartender asked the student to walk him home as he sometimes got into trouble. The student got a little anxious hearing that but the bartender reassured him that the old man was harmless, just got a little confused sometimes, so the student agreed to walk him home.
They walked along the main road in silence. At the end of the road the old man all of a sudden turns to the student and says:
Do you see this white picket fence over here boy? Yes says the student. I built it with me own bare hands, and what do they call me, mister fence builder, oh noooo!
The student is getting a little bit scared but they keep walking and the old man says nothing more until the come to a house.
Then he turns to the student and says:
Do you see this house boy? Again the students reply is yes.
The old man is getting a little bit angry and shouts at the boy.
I built this house with me own two hands and what do they call me! Mister housebuilder nooooooo!
But when you shag one bloody sheep what do they call you!!!!!?<br><br>Aðgát skal höfð í nærveru sálar.
Aðgát skal höfð í nærveru sálar.