Why strippers are better than feminists:

1. G- strings look good on strippers
2. Two words: bikini wax
3. “you dirty bastard” makes you horny when a strippers say´s it to you
4. All strippers know that “sucking” is not a city in China
5. A lesbian stripper is sexy
6. You will never meet a stripper named Brunhilda
7. when a stripper uses the word “swallow” she is never talking about birds
8. A woman that has no education but gets a $1000 a day for showing her tits is way cooler than a dried up cunt with a p.h.d. $100 a day and morals
9. Underware Vs. sweater
10. When a stripper say´s “I´m gonna blow you away”, it´s a good thing