UMENT: hi you got a pic
fitzgiven: of Mew?
UMENT: of you
fitzgiven: yes
UMENT: can i see it
fitzgiven: yeah
fitzgiven: hang on I hab to get the HTML
UMENT: well
UMENT: you are chinese
UMENT: and a guy
fitzgiven: thecnicly i am a “chewgro”
UMENT: chewgro?
fitzgiven: jewesh negro of chinese decent
UMENT: i see
UMENT: are you gay
fitzgiven: my dad tells me not to tell pepole about the ‘gay stuff we do
UMENT: you do stuff with your dad?
UMENT: gay stuff
UMENT: me too
UMENT: wowo
UMENT: neat
UMENT: what kind of stuff you do
fitzgiven: he touches my hoohoo
UMENT: mine too
UMENT: what else
fitzgiven: cant say
fitzgiven: god wil kill me if i say
UMENT: i do the saem stuff
UMENT: same
fitzgiven: thats what he said
UMENT: its ok
UMENT: i do the same stuff with my dad
UMENT: my dad puts his mouth on my hoo hoo
fitzgiven: i see
UMENT: does yours
UMENT: it feels good
fitzgiven: it feels weird
fitzgiven: and warm
UMENT: yea
UMENT: i really like it when he puts his hoohoo up my butt
UMENT: does your dad do that too
fitzgiven: sort of he has probstate troubles thogh
UMENT: prostate
fitzgiven: yeah
UMENT: does he get it all the way in?
fitzgiven: he makes me ate his milk
UMENT: mine too
UMENT: i like that
UMENT: do you milk yet
fitzgiven: sometimes it hurts from all the cuts and skabs
UMENT: why do you have cuts?
fitzgiven: from the wire
UMENT: what wire
fitzgiven: wire that make sure i dont skirm
UMENT: where does he put iot on you
fitzgiven: all over
UMENT: do you liek that
fitzgiven: not very mutch
UMENT: where do you live
fitzgiven: the hot wax is werse though
fitzgiven: Dacron
UMENT: where is that at?
UMENT: what state
fitzgiven: ohio
UMENT: me too
UMENT: where in ohio is it
UMENT: northwest? southwest?
fitzgiven: its near thamesville
UMENT: i dont know where that is
UMENT: is it in
UMENT: northwest
UMENT: northeast
UMENT: southwest
fitzgiven: i dont know
UMENT: or south east
UMENT: ohio
UMENT: top of state? bottom?
fitzgiven: i dont know we just started geografy and we are doing canada first
UMENT: do you have any more pics or you?
fitzgiven: not on my computers
UMENT: any way i can get some
UMENT: what is your name?
fitzgiven: My name is Dan E.
UMENT: mine is ethan
UMENT: your 12?
UMENT: right
fitzgiven: ok
UMENT: ok?
fitzgiven: ok
UMENT: do you go to school at all
fitzgiven: yes
UMENT: 6’th grade?
fitzgiven: no 7th grade
UMENT: i see
UMENT: you have any hair around your Hoohoo
fitzgiven: why do you wan know all that?
UMENT: just curious
UMENT: i am 14
UMENT: i was getting hair about your age
UMENT: you only do gay stuff with your dad?
fitzgiven: you arent 14, you said you were older befor
UMENT: i am almost 15
UMENT: but nott till nexzt week
fitzgiven: yuo said you were 20 somethin befor
UMENT: no idd not
UMENT: i am no where near that
fitzgiven: can i see yuor pictire?
UMENT: thats me
UMENT: so did you ever do any other gay stuff with other people or just dad
UMENT: i have
UMENT: after me and my dad
UMENT: i did it witha friend of mine
UMENT: have you?
fitzgiven: sorry
fitzgiven: i was away for a minute
UMENT: oic
UMENT: where you go
UMENT: is your dad there with you?
fitzgiven: nio he is going to bed now
UMENT: how old is he
fitzgiven: he is around 34 i dont know for sur
UMENT: you ever did any gay stuff with anyone else besides your dad
fitzgiven: sometimes my dad and Mr Tibbs sapnk me
UMENT: Mr Tibbs?
UMENT: who is he
fitzgiven: he is my principal of Dacron Public Shcool
UMENT: you must be lying
UMENT: your principal does gay things with you
UMENT: i dont think so
UMENT: tell me the truth
UMENT: you dont have to ly to me
fitzgiven: I am not lying he comes by the ouse a lot ever since mom left and because he lives 5 houses down he is always here or my dad always go there
UMENT: does he do sex stuff
UMENT: put his hoo hoo up you
fitzgiven: no
fitzgiven: he only spanks me
UMENT: bare butt
fitzgiven: he has azma or something he breths funny
UMENT: i see
UMENT: you have any kind of pics i can see
UMENT: of you
fitzgiven: I only have that one on my computer my dad is going to get a better vomputer for my birthday and a scenner too
UMENT: do you like what your dad does to you
fitzgiven: i didnt use to because it hort a lot
fitzgiven: he got mad
UMENT: what did he do
fitzgiven: he at first made me lick Alfie my dog and make me lick his bum and i didnt want to and he hit me and i had to do it but i cried a lot
UMENT: you ever do any gay stuff with your doggy?
UMENT: does your dad make you do gay stuff with your doggie
fitzgiven: he used to but then we took the dog to the vet becase Alfie coulnot walk and the vet took the dog away
UMENT: what stuff kdid he make you do with the dog
fitzgiven: stuff
UMENT: like
fitzgiven: bad stuf i dont wan say
UMENT: its ok
UMENT: did he make your dog stick his hoo hoo up your butt
fitzgiven: sont want to talk abot it
UMENT: its ok
UMENT: did he
UMENT: i can relate
fitzgiven: a few times
UMENT: did it hurt alot
fitzgiven: sort of
UMENT: is your dadies hoo hoo big
fitzgiven: i dont know
fitzgiven: i gues
UMENT: how many in
UMENT: how many inches
UMENT: around
fitzgiven: i dont know
UMENT: tell me more about hte stuff you do and how it feels
fitzgiven: no
UMENT: how often do you do gay stuff
UMENT: with your daddie
fitzgiven: Leave my son alone! You sick faggot I will find out who you are and fucking kill you
UMENT: you are abusing him
UMENT: you should be ashamed
fitzgiven: Whatever he told you was lies. He is always lying and doesnt need some faggot to turn him gay
UMENT: he said you abused him and hurt him
UMENT: with wires
UMENT: i was tryin gto find out how he was being abused
UMENT: i am a social worker for the cleveland county
UMENT: i happend to stumble on to this
fitzgiven: You were trying to turn him into some homofag like yourself you godamn liar
fitzgiven: The last thing I need is some faggot trying to rape my son