Þessi brandari verður, af augljósum ástæðum að vera á ensku:
A woman went to apply for a job at the Tickle Me Elmo factory.
She went to her interview, and an hour or so later she got the
job. The manager congratulated her and told her to be at work
at 8:00 sharp the next morning. The next morning she breezed
in at 8:00 and started to work. After a couple of hours, a fellow
worker rushed in to the manager's office.

“Sir, he said,” the woman you just hired has set us back for days!
I don't know what she's doing, but it's bad!“

The manager replied, ”Well tomorrow we will observe her and see
why she's taking so long.“

The next morning the manager and worker quickly hid so the woman
would not see them. She immediately set to work to make the Elmo.
She then took two more eyeballs and another piece of furry cloth
and fiddled around with it and sewed it on the doll. The manager
started roaring with laughter. He went up to the woman still
chuckling and said, ”You misunderstood me when you got the job.
You are supposed to give Elmo two test tickles."