hérna mun ég koma með nokkur fáránleg lög sem gilda í Bandaríkjunum


No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour -
You cannot leave your car on the street overnight without the proper permit. -
Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool. -
It is illegal to plant a garden in any public street. -
Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine. -
It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at one time. -
Cars are the only item allowed in a garage. -
It is illegal to curse on a mini-golf course. -
It is illegal for a man to beat his wife with a strap wider than 2 inches without her consent. -
You cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time. -
You may not hunt moths under a street light. -
It is illegal to cry on the witness stand. -
Toads may not be licked. -
It is a crime for dogs to mate within 500 yards of a church. Breaking this law is punishable by a fine of $500 and/or six months in prison. -
It is illegal to molest butterflies. -
It is illegal to walk a camel down Palm Canyon Drive between the hours of four and six PM. -
It is illegal for a secretary to be alone in a room with her boss.-
Two bathtubs may not be installed in the same house. -
Motor vehicles may not drive on city streets unless a man with a lantern is wallking ahead of it. -
One may not carry a lunch down the street between 11 and 1 o'clock. -
It is illegal to shoot jackrabbits from the back of a streetcar. -
The owners of houses with Christmas lights on them past February second may be fined up to $250. -
Prohibits elephants from strolling down Market Street unless they are on a leash. -
It is illegal to wipe one's car with used underwear. -
Persons classified as “ugly” may not walk down any street. -
It is illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a street corner. -
Giving or receiving oral sex is prohibited -
Ducks have the right of way to cross Rancho California St. at all times. -
Children may not wear a halloween mask unless they get a special permit from the sheriff. -
Males may not dress as a female unless a special permit is obtained from the sheriff. -


All lollipops are banned. -
A law to reduce crime states: “It is mandatory for a motorist with criminal intentions to stop at the city limits and telephone the chief of police as he is entering the town.” -
People may not buy a mattress on Sunday -
All motor vehicles must be preceded by a man carrying a red flag (daytime) or a red lantern (nighttime) fifty feet in front of said vehicle. -
It is illegal to pretend that one's parents are rich. -
When two trains come to a crossing, neither shall go until the other has passed. -
It is illegal to attach a vending machine to a utility pole without prior consent from the utility company. Furthermore, if permission is granted, the vending machine may not be less than twelve feet from the ground. -
No person may walk about in public if he or she has the common cold. -
It is illegal to entice girls away from the Maple Lane School for girls. -
X-rays may not be used to fit shoes. -
Men who deflower virgins, regardless of age or marital status, may face up to five years in jail. -
It is illegal to display a hypnotized or allegedly hypnotized person in a store window. -
Dancing and drinking may not occur at the same establishment. -
Women who sit on men's laps on buses or trains without placing a pillow between them face an automatic six-month jail term. -
No one may set fire to another person's property without prior permission. -
TV's may not be bought on Sundays. -
Strippers may not come closer than four feet to any customer. -
No structure shall contain more than two toilets that use potable water for flushing. -San Juan County Ordinance NO. 7 -1995 (Passed June 7,1995) -
You may not ride an ugly horse. -

New York

A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. This old law specifically prohibits men from turning around on any city street and looking “at a woman in that way.” A second conviction for a crime of this magnitude calls for the violating male to be forced to wear a “pair of horse-blinders” wherever and whenever he goes outside for a stroll. -
It is against the law to throw a ball at someone's head for fun. -
A license must be purchased before hanging clothes on a clothesline. -
The penalty for jumping off a building is death. -
A person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in his/her pocket. -
While riding in an elevator, one must talk to no one, and fold his hands while looking toward the door. -
Slippers are not to be worn after 10:00 P.M. -
Women may go topless in public, providing it is not being used as a business. -
It is illegal for a woman to be on the street wearing “body hugging clothing.” -
Citizens may not greet each other by “putting one's thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers”. -

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