A Scouser is sitting in a pub when a petite, snake-hipped man in gold lycra
shorts and a pink crop-top minces up to the bar and orders a strawberry
daiquiri. He takes a sip of his drink before leaning over to our Scouse
friend and whispering into his ear, “If you meet me out the back in five
minutes I'll give you a really great blow-job.”

The Scally turns purple, grabs the guy by the throat, and proceeds to batter
the crap out of him before throwing him head first through the bar's plate
glass window leaving him in a bloody heap on the pavement outside.

The landlord, a little shocked by the brutality of the attack, says to our
friend, “That was a bit much! What the hell did he say to you?”

“I don't know” replies the scouser taking a sip of his pint,“Something about
a job.”