Hvernig væri að hafa Buffy sem eitt áhugamál og Angel sem annað áhugamál en ekki að hafa þau saman?<br><br>*************************************************
<b>Giles</b>: <i>I'm here to help you.</i>
<b>Willow</b>: <i>Thanks, but I can kill a couple</i> geeks all by myself.

<i>Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Season 6, episode 22, Grave</i>

<b>Buffy</b>: <i>Dawn! listen! there's nothing harder in this world then living in it, be brave! live!</i>
<i>Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Season 5, episode 22, The Gift</i>

<a href=“mailto:adam_palsson_@hotmail.com”>adam_palsson_@hotmail.com</a>

Ég er ofurhugi á <a href="http://www.hugi.is“>Buffy/Angel</a>
<a href=”http://www.folk.is/salem">Heimasíðan Mín</a>