Jæja allir saman, eigum við ekki að taka saman fyndnustu atriðin? Ég get byrjað á…

Slughorn: ‘Oh, there you are, Albus,’ he said. ‘You’ve been a very long time. Upset stomach?'
Dumbledore: ‘No, I was merely reading the Muggle magazines.’ said Dumbledore. ‘I do love knitting patterns.’ (Bls 73)

og síðan þetta hérna, ég reyndar alveg sprakk úr hlátri yfir þessu :)

Snape: 'Do you remember me telling you we are practising non-verbal spells, Potter?'
Harry: ‘Yes,’ said Harry stiffly.
Snape: 'Yes sir.'
Harry: ‘There’s no need to call me “sir”, Professor.' (Bls 171)
Admin@hp since 26. june 2003 - 10:25