Þetta er ritgerð um Harry Potter og viskusteininn sem ég gerði í ensku fyrir skólann. Hún byrjar á lýsingu á atburðarrásinni og svo kemur lýsing á persónu Harrys, Rons og Hermione. Mig langaði bara að deila þessari skemmtilegu heimavinnu minni með ykkkur!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Harry Potter thinks he’s is just a regular boy, he is a 10 year old and an orphan boy who has to live with his relatives, the Dursleys.
The Dursleys are awful people who treat Harry terrible; he has no friends and his cousin gang beats him up whenever they get the change.

Then, on his 11th birthday, a giant named Hagrid comes to tell him that he’s a wizard and he can go to the wizard school –Hogwarts. He also gets to know what really happened to his parents, they didn’t die in a car crash like Mr. Dursley told him, they were murdered by a evil wizard who controlled the whole wizard world 11 years ago -Voldemort, when Voldemort tried to kill Harry he disappeared, that made him famous.

The meeting with Hagrid suddenly turned Harrys live upside-down, he went to Hogwarts and for the first time in his live, he had friends –Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger. He learns to charm, transfigure, make potions, study Herbology and play Quidditch –a popular wizard sport. Harry really loves being at Hogwarts.

On Christmas Eve he also finds the Mirror of Erised, a mirror witch shows you your deepest desires and your biggest dreams.

By an accident Harry, Ron and Hermione find out about a three headed dog in a room in the Forbidden Corridor. They lure Hagrid to tell them that the dog is his and he’s guarding a parcel for Dumbledore the Headmaster.
During the Christmas holiday Hermione reads about the Philosopher’s Stone; a stone that can make his owner immune and turn any kind of metal into pure gold, Harry and Ron then find out that the parcel must contain the Philosopher’s Stone.

The trio investigates and they figure out that the greasy haired potion teacher; Snape is trying to steal the package. The only thing that is keeping Professor Snape from taking the parcel and run away with it are Professors Quirrells (the Defence against the Dark Arts teacher with the strange turban) spells witch are guarding the stone,.

One night they see Snape walk up to the Forbidden Corridor and hoping to get the Stone before him Harry, Ron and Hermione sneak into the room were the dog is. Then they solve all sorts of challenges, ranging from playing chess with huge pieces to catching flying keys.
In the end, Harry has to leave his friends behind –they go to get Dumbledore- . When he walks alone into the last room he sees The Mirror of Erised standing in the middle and a tall man in front of it. It was neither Snape nor Voldemort.

It was Professor Quirrel.
Quirrell order Harry to come down to him and look in the mirror. When Harry looks in The Mirror of Erised the Philosopher’s Stone falls into his pocket. Harry and Quirrel talk and finally Quirrel takes of his turban. Inside it is Voldemort’s face.
Lord Voldemort attacks Harry and he –only 11 years old- tries to defend himself eftir bestu getu, but after only a little wile he passes out.

Three days later he wakes up in the hospital wing with Dumbledore bent over him.
Dumbledore and Harry talk.
Dumbledore tells him that the Philosopher’s Stone had bin erased and that Quirrel had died. He also tells him about his parents; wonderful people who were murdered by the evil wizard Lord Voldemort.
Finally he tells him a thing that no one in the whole wizard world knew. He tells him why he survived the attack of Voldemort. The reason was very simple. His mother died when she was trying to save him. Then accidentally she left a mark on Harry, that mark protected him from Quirrel and is going to protect him forever.

Harry Potter.

Harry Potter is eleven years old when the story starts.
Harry’s brave, modest, has a good mind and like his friends he’s extremely loyal to the people he cares about.

His hair is raven black and is always uncontrollable and messy; his movements are extremely fast. He is short and skinny and has to wear glasses which are taped together in the middle because his nephew hid him in the nose when they were kids.
Harry has green eyes.

But the most extraordinary thing about him is his scar; that scar is formed as a lightning bolt and is upon his forehead. It came when Voldemort tried to kill him when he was only a baby and later in live it was the thing that people always looked for when they saw him.
Living with his nephew Dudley and his parents isn’t fun. He doesn’t have any friends or anyone that he can talk to, so going to Hogwarts is a great relief.

Ron and Hermione.

Harry’s two best friends -Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger- are also in Hogwarts.
Hermione, who is a muggle-born (her parents aren’t wizard and witch) doesn’t know anything about magic when she comes to Hogwarts, but because of her ambition and intelligent she manages soon to become the top of her class. She’s kind and loyal to her friends.

Ron comes from a big wizard family. All his brothers and sisters go to Hogwarts.
He’s tall, thin and gangling; his face is covered in freckles and his hair is almost flaming red.

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Born to talk - forced to work