Þetta er eitthvað sem ég fann á síðu , um persónu sem átti að vera í bókunum en var tekin út. Þetta er reyndar á ensku, en ég ætla ekki einu sinni að reyna að þýða þetta, ég gæti rétt ímyndað mér hvernig það kæmi út. Ég vona líka að stafsetningin sé rétt þarsem ég þurfti að endurskrifa greinina, því ég gat ekki c/p hana:

Mopsy the dog-lover(Goblet of Fire)

When Padfoot returns in ‘Goblet of Fire’, I initially had him stay with a highly - eccentric, dog-loving old witch on the edge of Hogsmeade. She kept a pack of ill-assorted dogs, was on constant bad terms with her neighbours because of the barking and the mess, and had welcomed in Sirius, assuming him to be a stray.

I think my editor was quite right to ask me to get rid of Mopsy, because she added nothing to the plot. I just liked portraying a batty dog-lover(as opposed to batty cat-lover Mrs. Figg).
However, it made more sense to stow Sirius in a nice simple cave to have Harry, Ron, Hermione and Sirius's chat about Barty Crouch Jnr. without distractions.
Dance, my puppets! Dance! *Insert creepy-beyond-believe laughter here*