Var að lesa á mugglenet nokkrar sniðugt kenningar um bók 6.

Í einni stendur að Dumbledore væri sama um að allt yrði tekið af honum (verðlaun og formannasæti og fl.) nema mynd af honum á súkkulaði froskum. Sumir segja að kannski njósnar hann í kringum sig með myndinni. Báðir Harry og Ron hafa fengið mynd af honum.
Þeir sem vilja lesa þetta á ensku:

<i>We've all heard that Dumbledore knows pretty much everything that goes on at Hogwarts. He also didn't care if he lost all his acclaim except taking his face off the chocolate frog cards. Perhaps Dumbledore is using the chocolate frog cards of himself in the same way that the portraits of old headmasters spy on others. After all, look at all the times Harry and Ron have gotten chocolate frog cards with his picture on them. –Submitted by Sara
*Emerson's Note: That's definitely possible, but maybe it was just a humorous quote JKR added to remind us why Dumbledore is so cool.</i>

Hugsanleg skýring á þessu er að JKR. Bætti þessu inn til að sýna hvað hann væri “cool” <br><br><b><i>“You are truly your father's son, Harry…”</i></b>
<b>- Sirius Black</b>

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