Nokkuð, sem eg var að pæla.

1)Má byrja að senda inn greina ómerktar *spoiler*?

2)Bogagöngin sem Sirius féll í gengum, er það skilrúmið milli lífs og dauða?

3)Veit þetta er í 3-4 skipti sem það er spurt:
Hvenær byrjar Trivia aftur?

4)Hver er niðurstaðan með þenna H.P. Klúbb?<br><br><b>Tilvitnun:</b><br><hr><i>“Everything is funny, as long as it's happening to somebody else”</i><br><hr><font color=“#800000”>“Harry, I've left a letter telling
your aunt and uncle not to worry-”
“They won't,” said Harry.
“That you're safe-”
“That'll just depress them.”
“-and you'll see them next summer.”
“Do I have to?”</font>
<font color=“#808000”>„He was not ready to see their expressions when he told them
that he must either be murderer or victim,
there was no other way…
<font color=“#800080”>-¤•.¸¸.•*×»</font> <font color=“#008000”>BoomCat</font> <font color=“#800080”>«×*•.¸¸.•¤-</font
And let me tell you, she is not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed!