Þetta er fyrsti spuninn minn þannig að þetta kannski ekki verið mjög gott. En ég er allavega með þann lengsta í keppninni núna, ég má eiga það.

It was finally over. Tom Marvolo Riddle had been beaten, Death-Eaters all over the country were surrendering, and people were defeating the Dementors, the Giants, the Death-eaters who wouldn’t give up and all the others who were on Lord Voldemort’s side. But for Harry, the pain he thought would end with Voldemort’s death was just beginning to show.
He couldn’t believe that all the people that had been by his side had died over the past hours. Fred Weasley, Colin Creevy, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin and Severus Snape. He actually felt bad about Snape’s death, something he would never have suspected. Snape had been supporting him all this time, just because of his mother. He had killed Dumbledore to save Draco, tried to find Harry to tell him the last secrets of Voldemorts horcrux and used his last strength to look into Harry’s eyes once more, Lily’s eyes. As mindfucked as this all was, Harry knew that Snape had never been on Voldemort’s side after he had killed Harry’s parents. He had helped Dumbledore much in the war and finally killed him in his time of needs.
Harry had to get up and get dressed, because Fred’s funeral would start in half an hour. He had now been at the Burrow for a week but he had got there a few hours after he had fallen asleep in his dorm room. He had not left his room much after he got there, only to eat, go to the bathroom, and to comfort Molly if she was beyond her normal crying mood. The only other persons he had spoken to since he got there were Ron and Hermione but he had had to explain the stuff he had not told them about when they got to the principal’s office. He told them one night about when he saw his parents, Sirius and Remus when he had used the Resurrection Stone.


“So you see Hermione,” said Harry, “that the Resurrection Stone was in the Snitch all the time.”
“Yes, I know,” she said, “I admit that I was wrong about the Deathly Hallows, but that doesn’t change the fact that…”
“Hermione!” Ron interrupted her for the fifth time in ten minutes. “You admitted that you were wrong, I can’t believe you just did that. My girl is growing up” he said and kissed her.
She flushed but looked at Ron almost as if she thought this was inappropriate for Harry. He saw the look.
“Don’t mind me.” he said. “It’s just about time that you two got together. Actually, I have been expecting it for more than a year and a half.”
“Whe- wha- who- wheas- what?” said Ron with a very funny face. “How did you see that? There was nothing between us at that time.”
“What about all the times you were whining about Viktor Krum, while you were dating Lavender yourself?” said Harry with a grin on his face.
“Look,” said Hermione, “We have more important things to talk about than Ron’s love-life”. She got closer to him and kissed him on his cheek.
“So, why did the centaurs decide to join us?” asked Ron.


That had actually been the only good conversation he had had all the week. He had sometimes looked at Ginny but hadn’t been able to talk to her. He had been so scared of her in the final battle that he didn’t know what he could talk about, or if he could talk to her. She was also almost as sad as George about Fred. She was usually with her mother grieving about him. The only good thing about Fred’s death was that it would be a little better and little less grief about him after the funeral. Harry got that exact feeling in Dumbledore’s funeral. He just hoped that the narrator would be a little more personal with Fred. Harry hadn’t listened much in Dumbledore’s funeral but he had heard the last sentence which had been:
“Forever turning through a lifetime.
Endless burning of soul and mind
Step by step he’s taken through the past
In death is life.”*
Even after one year he still didn’t understand what it meant.

“It will all be better in a few hours,” he thought to himself. He finished suiting up and walked down to the backyard.
The backyard had been mowed so that the people would be able to see Fred’s grave. The decoration was plain black: black carpets under the benches, the coffin was black and all the guests were wearing black robes. In the coffin were some of Fred’s belongings, mostly stuff that had been in his store and some experimental potion. But there was also a photo of all the family. Harry remembered the photo. It was taken in Egypt when they went to trip there to see Bill. Harry couldn’t believe that it was 5 years ago.
The guests were almost just the family but Harry could see Hagrid, Professor McGonagal, Lee Jordan, Oliver Wood, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell and some other people he didn’t know. He couldn’t imagine how George felt. He had lost his partner, his twin brother and his best friend at the same time. He had heard Molly telling Arthur last night that George didn’t know if he wanted to go on with Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. If that would happen, then he might… “no, don’t think like this Harry.“ He saw George in the front row in the company of Angelina Johnson who had lent him her shoulders.
He saw Ginny. She looked at him much longer than he did at her. He just needed more time before he could tell her how scared he had been about her over the year. When Bellatrix had almost killed her with the killing curse, he saw, for just one moment, how life would be with her by his side. He saw himself feeling her, smelling her lovely hair, kissing her soft lips. It was the same feeling he had felt when he thought he would die by the hands of Voldemort. These two moments meant that he still had deep feelings for her, even though they hadn’t seen each other for almost a year. He hoped that she felt the same way, but he wouldn’t dare to talk about that now. He looked at her again and saw that she smiled at him with wet eyes. Harry returned the smile very clumsily and re-remembered the one moment they had had a conversation since his last birthday.


“Harry, Harry!” Someone was calling him. He wanted to be alone. He didn’t want to be interrupted from his nap. He was planning to say that to the person until he realized that it was Ginny’s voice. He turned around in the bed so he could see her.
“Hey, Ginny. Is there something wrong?” he said but regretted it a moment later.
“Mom was just wondering if you wanted to go with us home to the Burrow. The funeral…” she couldn’t end the sentence and was starting to get wet in her eyes ,which was so unlike her.
The moment he saw this, Harry got up, walked up to her and hugged her. He hated seeing her so unstable. She held onto him tight and wasn’t going to let go any minute now. After few minutes she said to him:
“Thanks Harry. You have always been so good to me, ever since we met.”
“Same here, Ginny,” said Harry and held her a little longer.
At last they broke apart but Ginny looked at him very passionately. She came closer to him and their lips met. The kiss was short but Harry didn’t care. For the first time, the pain was far away for a few seconds. The kiss stopped but Ginny didn’t stop staring at Harry, and neither did he.
“We should get going before they start to worry about us,” said Ginny and pulled Harry gently so he would follow her.
“Yeah,” said Harry. “We should.”


And that was the last time he had talked to her, even though he had been in the same house as her for a week but she, like Harry, had been a lot in her room.
He saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley on the right row from George. Molly was actually not crying very hard. Maybe her eyes were getting dry from all the cries she had been performing over the week. Arthur had his arm around her and said something in her ear. Arthur had been very strong since the war had stopped and had been helping the Order arresting Death-Eaters and getting the wizard world on their feet again. He had already gone to help them before the family had gone home.


Harry and Ginny went to the Big Hall where the rest of the Weasley’s were – Fred’s corpse covered with a purple cloth. Arthur was not present.
“Your father went to help the order catch the Death-Eaters who escaped from the castle. There aren’t many of them so he should get back home soon,” Molly said to her children, while wiping her tears. “Good you’re already here.” She added, as she noticed Ginny and Harry opposite Fred’s body. “We’ll be heading for the Burrow in an hour. Fred will be buried there. I think he would’ve liked it.”
“He probably would, mom,” said George.
“Can I stay too with you? I don’t really have a place to stay,” asked Hermione. Everyone looked at her, except Ron, who was looking at Fred..
“Of course you can stay, Hermione dear,” wiped Molly and hugged her. “You are more than welcome.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Weasley,” said Hermione and went from Molly to Ron and took his hand. He didn’t really notice. His eyes were still on Fred’s body. Maybe the death of his brother had finally sunken in. Hermione noticed this and kissed him lightly on his cheek.
“Me and Fleur will also be staying with you,” said Bill while George kneeled down to take Fred’s body. He started walking out of the Big Hall. The rest followed.


Harry saw that the guests were starting to sit down so he did the same. He was sitting between Charlie, who had just arrived, and Lee Jordan. Both of them were feeling downer than Harry. After all, they had both known Fred longer than Harry and had been closer to him. Harry had also been thinking a lot the last days which seemed to let him grief less. It was hard enough to get over Sirius’ and Dumbledore’s deaths so he had been trying to do anything that would make him feel a little better, and thinking about other things seemed to work fine.
But he hadn’t stopped thinking of Fred altogether. He remembered the first day they met. He and George had helped him getting his luggage in the train, because he couldn’t lift it by himself. They were later shocked to believe that he was Harry Potter. When Harry had been in the train he had grinned to himself when Fred had been talking to his mother that blowing up a toilet wasn’t such bad idea. They cheered later that day because he had gone to their dorm, Gryffindor. “It was a good day”, Harry thought to himself.

The narrator had started talking but Harry wasn’t listening to him. He looked at the people around him. McGonagall held up a handkerchief but she didn’t use it much; Hagrid was on the left side of her, but Harry couldn’t see his face due to his hair and beard. Oliver Wood, Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell were on the previous bench looking down. “Maybe they can’t bear to see him yet”. Ron, Hermione, Bill, Fleur and Kingsley Shakebolt were together on the bench right side of them, looking petrified on the funeral. Harry had heard that Kingsley was thinking of becoming a permanent minister which was good news for Harry. Kingsley was truly the right man to fix the wizard world on this time of needs. Ron and Hermione were holding hands as well as Fleur and Bill, but it looked like they were having a little and mute conversation. The others on the bench didn’t notice.
On the front rows were George, Angelina (George’s head still on her shoulder), Arthur, Molly, Ginny and Percy. Harry could see that Molly and Arthur were calmer than before. The funeral must have had these effect on them. Percy’s eyes were red and Ginny was looking down. She didn’t move at all. She needed some comfort but Harry couldn’t do anything at the time.
Harry got his attention back on the funeral but at the time, music was being played from the magical record player. The music was beautiful, like the phoenix’ song: beautiful but sad at the same time. The lyrics were played on a language Harry didn’t know but he could hear how the lyrics were:

Noli manere, manare in memoria
Noli manere, manare in memoria

Ferum terribile, ferum fatum

Noli manere in memoria
Saevam iram et dolorem
Ferum terribile fatum
Ille iterum veniet

Noli manere, manare in memoria
Noli manere, manare in memoria

After the song, Harry noticed that George had moved from the bench. He had walked near the coffin and took Fred’s body and put it very slowly in the coffin. When he turned around he had tears in his eyes. The guests had at that time, along with Harry, stood up and walked to Fred, one by one.
Harry let family and friends go ahead of him. Every one of them felt worse after they had looked at Fred one last time. There were few left when Harry went to him. He took a deep breath and looked at Fred.
His eyes were shut, his hands were holding each other over his stomach, his hair was well combed which was so not him, his cape was blue, his suit was green with a red tie, shining shoes (“probably made of dragon skin”) and he was looking very peacefully in the coffin with his personal belongings.
Then, out of nowhere, memories of the twins reached into Harry’s mind. All the times they had made fun of Percy; the time they had made Dudley’s tongue trice his normal size; the time they had made people move away when they had been making fun of it that people thought that Harry was the heir of Slytherin; the time they had tried to enter the Triwizard tournament; all the times they had joked in DA; the time they had started a chaos in the school and many more. “And now,” he thought to himself “maybe there won’t be any more fun like this. No more Fred and George.” He turned around so the rest could go to Fred. He didn’t notice that he had one tear on his right chin.

Four days later, the mood in the house had slowly turned back to normal. There was still much grief, but people were beginning to face the fact and move on. Arthur was still working with the Order, but few Death-Eaters were missing now. Charlie had gone back to Romania to continue with his work, George had also gone to his home in Diagon Alley, Ron and Hermione had developed their relationship, Ginny, Molly, Percy were getting more glad and Bill and Fleur had for the last days talked much. The biggest news so far in the world was that Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy got a 10 months sentence in Azkaban, which was now free of the Dementors. Malfoy got 3 months and would be living with his aunt until his parents would get out of prison. Most of the other Death-Eaters got about 6-16 months sentence. The dead Death-Eaters and Voldemort had been buried outside of the prison, with nothing over them.
Dedalus Diggle had come yesterday to inform Harry that the Durleys had been located and would be moved back to their home as soon as possible. He also said to him that they were happy that he was still alive, although they preferred that he didn’t visit them much. Harry couldn’t agree more. Colin Creevy’s funeral had been in his hometown and the guests were his family and the members of the DA. It was as sad as Fred’s but people were starting to feel better.
That night Molly, for the first time since the war finished, cooked for the family. The food was actually more delicious than usual. Maybe it was because Harry had never been so long at the Burrow as to now without having one of Mrs. Weasley’s great dinners. Fleur had been cooking for the past days and while her cooking skills were OK, it was actually crap compared to Molly. The mood over the food was much better than it had been before. Arthur was talking to Ron, Ginny and Hermione about going back to school (which was now run by McGonagall), Percy was having a conversation with George (who had shown up for dinner) over what he would be doing now with his partner gone and Harry was talking with Mrs. Weasley about him becoming an Auror. When the dessert had been served Bill stood up.
“Everyone, Fleur and I have an announcement,” said Bill and Fleur stood up, with a very big smile.
“We’ve decided to have a baby,” said Fleur, she shouted it almost.
The whole family stood up and hurried up to them to congratulate them and hug them, except Ron who was logically clever enough to wait after the others had moved from them. A bottle of Fire-whiskey was opened and everyone had one or two drinks to celebrate this moment.
“So, are you going to start trying soon?” asked Hermione
“Soon as we go back home, but don’t count on a baby yet. It takes some time to get women pregnant,” said Bill and kissed his wife a big kiss. After a few minutes Arthur, Percy and Bill were sharing the bottle, Ron and Hermione had gone away, Molly was talking with Fleur about making some baby clothes for her, Ginny was looking at them and Harry stood, without noticing it, beside her.
“Wow, a baby,” said Ginny, looking at Harry. Harry tried to find a way to avoid talking to her (he was getting better but couldn’t do it yet) but he didn’t see how he could do it, so he tried to act casually.
“Yeah, that’s good news,” said Harry, but his voice wasn’t casual. It was high-pitched and nervous, like he hadn’t used it in three hours. Ginny didn’t notice or didn’t care but didn’t stop looking at him. Her look said that she needed to talk to him.
“Harry, I need to talk to you,” she said quietly. “In private.”
Harry wanted to deny her wish but the words didn’t want to come out. He didn’t want to disappoint her. He had only talked to her once since they had met again, and he was starting to realise that maybe it was time to repeat it.
“Can you come to my room in five minutes?” she asked staring at him with her big chestnut-brown eyes.
“Sure Ginny,” he said. “I’ll be there.”

He walked slowly to his room. The last few hours had been very weird, but at the same time he was smiling to himself. He hadn’t been so happy in a long time. He could almost remember every second on what had happened in the room he had been since dinner finished.


He walked very calm up the stairs leading to the second floor. He knocked on the door and Ginny opened for him. She walked to her bed and sat on it and, with a hand gesture, asked Harry to join her. Harry sat down and Ginny started asking questions.
“Harry,” she said. “Why haven’t you talked to me over the last week? Why have you been avoiding me? Don’t you want to talk to me?”
“Ginny,” said Harry and spontaneously took her hand, without even think about it. She didn’t move her hand. “I wanted to talk to you but it has been so hard for me. You almost died in the battle; I was so scared for your life, and I actually still am. It is still taunting me. If you had died there, it would have been my fault. I dragged you out of the Room of Requirement. I would never have forgiven myself if something had happened to you.”
“But I didn’t die and I didn’t get hurt. But can you tell me why you needed the room? And why Ron and Hermione had an armload of the Basilisk’s teeth? And what you have been doing for the year?
“You were trying to find a way to defeat Voldemort, I know it. You told me that. But can you tell me how you planned to do it? I don’t know anything about this.” She stopped for a moment to squeeze his hand. “You can trust me.”
Harry looked down on the floor but eventually said: “Fine. I’ll tell you something that has happened over the year, if you do the same.”
So Harry started talking. He explained to her what horcruxes were, but he had said to Voldemort that he had destroyed them all. He told her about the mission Dumbledore had given to him, and what things he believed were horcruxes. He told her that he, Ron and Hermione were looking for the whereabouts of the horcruxes over the year. He didn’t want to get into details. Not yet.
Ginny started talking after he had said that the fifth horcrux had been in the Room of Requirement. She talked about the school year; how she, Neville and Luna had always been writing stuff on the wall, starting chaos, driving the Carrows insane. But she also said that they had beaten her up. She said that they had whipped her horribly after she said that someone would eventually come and put them and Snape into Azkaban. She stopped there to ask Harry about Snape. The more he talked about Snape’s past, the more stunned Ginny was.
“So he wasn’t a bad man,” she said. “I never knew how emotional he was in the past.”
“I think that few new that,” said Harry. “He tried to tell me this but was killed by Nagini.”
“Hey, yeah, how did Nagini get killed? I saw it with Voldemort by the castle and the next thing I knew it was headless.”
“Neville pulled the Gryffindor sword out of the Sorting hat and cut the head off. It was great seeing it.”
Ginny was silent for a few seconds and then looked at Harry with a sad expression. “I thought you were really dead there. Everybody thought so. Why didn’t you say goodbye to anyone?
“I wanted to look at you, Ron, Hermione and the others one last time more than anything in the world, but I don’t think I would’ve continued. I would’ve just stood there and not stop looking at you. It was best this way. But I didn’t die and I’m so glad that I didn’t.
“Me too,” she said and squeezed his hand again. They didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Harry put his head down and Ginny looked out the window. They didn’t know what to say next.
“Hey, I just remembered something,” Ginny said, breaking the silence.
“What is that?” asked Harry and raised his head up.
“On your last birthday here….. I didn’t actually quite finish giving your present from me.”
Harry turned his head to her. She slowly moved closer to him. Harry hesitated for a moment. “Did she really say what I think she said?” he thought to himself. After he found out that she really said this he turned to her and closed his eyes at the same time as she did and their lips met. The kiss lasted for a while and neither of them wanted to stop any time now. After a long time they broke apart and Ginny rested her head on his shoulder. Harry stroked her long red hair.
“I care much about you Harry,” she said with a low voice. “I really do.”
“I know”, said Harry. “I do too.”
Their heads were starting to go near each other again but were interrupted by music above them. Harry could tell that this was in Ron’s room because he heard that this was a song by Barry White. When the music was turned down a few seconds later, they thought that it was time to go to sleep. Harry stood up and opened the door. When he had started going up the stairs he felt someone take his hand. He turned around and Ginny kissed him right away.
“Goodnight, Harry,” she said.
“Goodnight Ginny,” he said and kissed her again.


“Those were good hours”, he thought to himself.

He walked into his room, took his clothes off, put his pajamas on and went to sleep. He heard a low male voice moaning in the room above and could tell that Hermione and Ron had certainly taken their relationship to the next level. He just hoped that Molly wouldn’t hear this but she and Arthur were sleeping a few floors below them so Harry thought that this night would be quiet.
This day had been extraordinary good but he knew that this feeling he had been having over the last hours would not last long. Remus’ and Tonks’ funeral would be after two days.


* = Þessi texti er referance til Meshuggah. Fyrstu þrjár línurnar eru úr laginu Soul Burn og fjórða línan er nafn lagsins In Death Is Life

** = Þetta er latína og er textinn hluti af laginu One Winged Angel eftir Nobuo Uematsu, sem er með bestu composerum okkar tíma.
Fyrsta útgáfan

Þýðing yfir á ensku:

Won't remain, remain in memory
Won't remain, remain in memory

Fierce terror, fierce fate

Won't remain in memory
Raging anger and misery
Fierce, terrible fate
The second advent

Won't remain, remain in memory
Won't remain, remain in memory

Titillinn er þessi því það er stundum sagt þessi orð í spunanum og er þar að auki kick ass lag með Dream Theater

Það getur verið að fari að vinna meira úr þessum spuna. Fer eiginlega bara eftir því hvernig sumarið verður hjá mér.

En ég enda eins og vanalega að afsaka málfræðivillur. Hef verið soldið ryðgaður í enskri málfræði undanfarið(enda er enskan sem ég er í aðeins um hreima, bókmenntir og fleira í þeim dúr).
