Loksins, loksins…

Harry slowly walked down the hill, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. Nothing much had happened since he’d destroyed the last Horcrux, the one in the Himalayas. But as he walked, he began to realise, just how long it had been since he left NR. 4 Privet Drive. Two years to the day. Two years. He had been so busy, he almost had not taken notice. He was nineteen. Wow, I’m gettin’ old! Ha, ha, haa…

He didn’t understand why Fawkes had sent him here first, because apparently, the Horcrux was in Egypt. But he decided to go to the village, and stock up on supplies. He had taken of his cape, and put on a shirt. The swords he had wrapped in the cape and he strapped it on his back. He doubted any one would recognize him, but he put on a baseball cap, just to be sure.

He entered the village, which was by the sea, on Ireland’s eastern shore. He asked around for a bit, and gradually found his way to the shop: Finnegan’s. Coincidence. Doesn’t have to be Seamus’s family… He entered the house and saw Seamus at the counter. Lovely… He got what he needed from the shelves, and brought it to the counter.
“Hey, there. Nice day isn’t it?” Harry nodded, kept his head in a bit of a down angle.
“So, you’re new here, aren’t you?”Again Harry nodded, still not looking Seamus’s way.
“How much?”
“Two sickles, that is.” Harry was just about to hand the money to Seamus when he heard a roar. A giant’s roar. Jesus Christ! Can’t I have a moment’s peace?! That’s why Fawkes sent me here…

Seamus was at the door about to rush out to see what was happening. Harry reached out and pulled him away from the door. A second later, a huge boulder rolled by. It would surely have crushed poor Seamus.
“Are you crazy?” Harry growled. “Do you intend to fight twenty feet giants? No? Then stay the hell inside!”

Seamus nodded, a bit frightened by the unknown man. The man threw his cap off, his shirt and unrolled the blanket he had strapped on his back, revealing two swords. This was without doubt the weirdest man Seamus had ever seen, and he had seen Mad-eye Moody. He was wearing a full battle gear, the swords strapped on his back by now, and a bow and a quiver were also there. The man paid Seamus no heed, he was to busy looking out the window, at the attacking group of Death eaters and giants. And Seamus began to catch on.
“You’re him, aren’t you? The vigilante we have been reading about in the Daily Prophet.” Harry stole a look at Seamus, and his old friend caught a glimpse of green eyes, and a scar on his forehead.
“Harry?” Seamus was crestfallen. This was Harry Potter. A boy of nineteen, who didn’t look a day younger than twenty-five. This wasn’t right.
“Why are you here?” Harry rushed at Seamus, and looked him straight in the eye.
“I’m here to save those who can’t take care of themselves. And there is none here who can take on a giant, except me! So shut the hell up, or make yourself useful. And do not tell anyone you saw me, because it will only cause more trouble for your village. Voldemort doesn’t know where I am, and he will send an army of Dementors if he finds out I was here. Is that what you want? No, I didn’t think so. Rally up all those who can fight and take on the Death eaters, understand? I cannot take on both the giants and the wizards, so I need your help.” And with that, Harry rushed out of the shop. He quickly equipped his bow, and had an arrow knocked in a flash. He kept low, for he hadn’t been spotted yet. What I need is a good vantage point, for clean shots and an easy escape if it comes to that… He noticed the biggest house of the village had boxes stacked neatly by it’s side. Perfect! He ran, jumped up on the crates, and ran up the wall, and over the edge. Still, he went unnoticed. Wow, they’re alert, aren’t they? Harry thought sarcastically. He went down on one knee, and pulled the bowstring back, and let fly at the closest brute, who roared with pain, and spun wildly about, trying to find it’s attacker. He was already moving, out of the creature’s eyesight, and it was stung again as another arrow hit it in the back.

Harry marveled how easy the arrows sank into the tough giant flesh, running as he did. He saw his last arrow sink into the giant’s back, hurting it severely. He started to dart to the next vantage point, but stopped, regarded the beast for a split second, before letting fly another arrow. The giant turned around at the exact moment and caught the arrow in the eye. The arrow bore through it’s head and went sailing through the air. The enormous humanoid creature crashed down hard, taking two death eaters down with it. Despite Harry’s feeling of victory, he grimaced. Nasty stuff. Don’t like it…

Now Harry knew his position was known, but he had no time to wonder about that, for there was a giant running down main street, charging forward. At first glance, Harry thought the thing was just crazed with battle lust, but then saw a small heap on the ground, about 30 meters down the street. A baby. No, no, no, no! Harry ran towards the edge of the building. He saw a man rushing for the child, but the unfortunate man got squashed by the giant’s club. Another man, made a move to go for the baby, but turned around and hid behind some crates by the wall.
“Grab the child! What is the matter with you!?” The man just shrugged and dropped his head in his palms. Damn. Harry looked back on the street, and saw no one try to save the kid. DAMN! His swords appeared in his hands as if from nowhere, and he backed a little from the ledge, rushed forward and jumped.

I must be suicidal, honestly. What kind of person would even think of doing something like this?I probably won’t even reach the damn thing, the spells will knock me down… Harry thought as he sailed through the air. But amazingly, despite having hostile spells flying all about him, he seemed to be getting there. When he was about three meters from the beast, he reversed his grip on the swords and when he was behind the thing, he thrust the weapons down, impaling them in it’s shoulders. The giant’s roar was such as Harry thought he might go deaf, but this was not the time, nor place to be wandering about such things. Harry planted his feet in the giant’s upper back and pulled the swords free, and jumped down. He landed in a roll, ran as hard as he could towards the kid, scooped it up in his arms, and dashed into an alley. Where five Death eaters were waiting for him…

Two weeks had passed since Ron and Hermione graduated from Hogwarts, and were home by now. At the Burrow, not Grimmauld place. What usually would have been a joyous occasion for every person present at Hogwarts, had been clouded with the shadow of sorrow and worry. The weight of the war was crashing down on people like two-ton rocks and it was affecting the students badly. Shacklebolt had tried to install some hope into peoples hearts. He was a fine leader, but then again, he was no Albus Dumbledore. Nor was he Harry James Potter. The absence of these two powerful public figures truly stole much of the happiness… Most students stopped by Dumbledore’s tomb and paid their respect, either by kneeling by it, leaving flowers, or just stand and bow their heads. That was how they said good-bye to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry…

Ron sat in the sofa in the living room at the Burrow looking into the fire, deep in thought. Hermione was as always beside him and was reading some heave tome that Ron had no interest what-so-ever in reading. Ever. What will become of us now? What will we do? Fight in the war? Go into hiding? I don’t know. I hate this… This waiting and waiting and doing nothing! I want to fight! My place is there, out among the other one’s who are fighting the bastard. And Harry… Where in the hell are you? Probably got yourself into some serious trouble you can’t get out of… Ron would never know just how right he was…

I’m so dead. Why do I always get myself into this shit?How in the hell am I supposed to get out of this? Outnumbered four to one. I could take them, but not with the child with me. Damn. Well, here goes nothing…

Harry lay the child on the ground, next to a wall, and drew his blades. He took a tentative step towards the Death eaters, and saluted them. But, before the fight began, Fawkes appeared with a sudden flash, and he flew away with the kid. Now we’re talking… Harry dashed forward, swung his sword, and the first one went down with a thud. The other four enemies started growing nervous. They had lost their leverage, and already one of them was down. Harry noticed this, and he decided to try a different approach. He let his guard down.
“Why do you fight for Voldemort?” The Death eaters stared at him blankly. Was he insane, letting his guard down? All four threw a stunning curse towards Harry, who simply raised his hand, and the spells hit his outstretched hand, and somehow died away. That truly left the death eaters dumbfounded.
“Answer me! Why do you work for Voldemort?”
“For the power! Glory! Wealth!” They shouted in unison.
“Aw come on! You read Hallmark’s guide to stupid evil henchmen or something? You can’t be serious. You are honestly stupid enough to actually think that Voldy won’t kill you once you’re no longer needed?”
“You shall not speak of our lord in such fashion!” Screamed the group’s leader. Harry thought he recognized the voice. He rushed the one who spoke, and removed his mask.
“Well. This is an unexpected surprise. How are you doing, Zabini?” The Death eaters all crouched into combat stances, and Harry now realized that there was no talking sense into them. They were loyal to Voldemort. He likewise took combat stance, but sheathed the swords. This, he was going to do by hand. He dashed forward, and swirled to the right, dodging a spell, and hit the caster in the nose with his elbow. He heard a snap, and guessed that his attacker now had a badly broken nose. He grabbed the man, and at the same time kicked to the left, and got a that one in the knee, and something broke there as well. Harry threw Flat nose into the wall, and the man crashed down into a heap. Three down, two to go. Harry dodged spell thrown by Zabini and the other guy, scooped up the fallen Death eaters wands, and broke them in half. The two Death eaters were panting heavily. Throwing powerful curses or whatever was hard, and trying to follow Harry’s speed was even harder. The Death eater on Zabini’s right was barely standing, his hands on his knees, trying to get his wind back. Harry smirked, and advanced slowly, not letting his guard down, and before his enemies could react, Harry rolled forward and sprang up mere inches from their faces. Harry grabbed their heads, and bashed them together. Hard. And they fell to the ground, unconscious.
“That was easy.” Harry muttered to himself. He got a sudden feeling of victory that was immediately followed by a strong sense of guilt. He hated violence. He wished he’d been able to do it some other way, but sometimes, the choice just wasn’t his. He got down on one knee, and grabbed Zabini’s left wrist in his hand. Harry’s hand glowed for a second, and when he let go of Zabini’s hand, the Dark mark was no longer visible. He did the same thing to the other four. He dragged them and tied them up, and left the alley, only to see the villagers round up and bind the last of the Death eaters. Good. He saw Seamus walking over to him, carrying the babe in his arms.
“Any casualties?” Harry asked.
“Annie, the baby’s mother.” Harry’s heart sank.
“The father?”
“Lost at sea two years ago. He was a muggle, the only one in the village. The child has no other relatives.” Harry sank onto a crate, having suddenly lost all the strength in his legs. The child was an orphan, just like he was. Things like this were not supposed to happen!
“The giants or the Death eaters?
“The ‘eaters.” Harry got up, took the baby in his arms, and carried it over to the group of Death eaters. The townsfolk had taken the ones from the alley and tied them up with the rest. He approached the group and looked a woman straight in the eye and asked:
“Where is your leader?”
“Over there…” The woman replied nervously.
“Thank you,” Harry said, and moved over to a man that he guessed was about forty years old. The man was knocked out. Harry kicked him hard in the ribs, and the man woke with a pained gasp.
“Wh-wha- what?” He looked puzzled, then saw a giant’s carcass not five feet from him. Harry punched the man extremely hard, and a tooth flew from the man’s mouth. Harry gripped the man by the collar and yanked him on his feet with one hand, holding the child in the other.
“Look at this baby.” The man averted his eyes. Harry grabbed the man by the hair and forced the him to look at the child.
“This child has no parents now. In fact she has no one. This is your doing, you fucking bastard.” The man looked as if he was sorry, but then an arrogant gleam formed in his eyes.
“This is what happens to those who-“ SMACK. Harry head-butted the older man hard, and the man fell back a few steps, clutching his face, trying to stem the flow of blood that was gushing out from the nose, which had broken. The man had barely let go of his face, when Harry grabbed him by the hair, pushed down, and the man’s forehead connected with Harry’s knee. The Death eater flew backwards and crashed into the mud. It had started to rain. Harry walked to the man, raised his foot over the fallen’s neck, the man was knocked out again. He would have murdered the man if Seamus hadn’t stopped him.
“No, Harry, he’s not worth it,” Seamus whispered. Harry turned slowly, and Seamus backed a step when he saw Harry’s face, which was twisted in rage. After a few seconds, Harry’s face relaxed somewhat, and he bent down to remove the dark mark from the man’s wrist. Seamus stared open mouthed at what happened. Harry did the same with all the other Death eaters. He heard a loud crack somewhere near the town’s exterior. The first ministry’s officials were arriving. Harry grabbed Seamus by the shoulder, and leaned at him.
“Remember. Not a word about who I am, got it?” Seamus nodded once. Harry checked to see if he hadn’t gotten all his gear, turned into a raven, and flew away into the grey sky.

Ron apparated with the Aurors to Ireland as soon as they heard the news; A remote village on Irelan’s eastern shore had been attacked by a group of Death eaters and two giants. Ron was still an apprentice, but seeing how the ministry had limited resources, the had to deploy apprentices on duty every once in a while. Hermione went with them too as a healer. Hermione was a part of a new division within the Auror office. She was a so called Combat healer. They got heavy training in combat as well as in healing arts, and that made them a formidable opponent. When they apparated into the village, they noticed that there were no sounds of battle, no cries, nor spells flying. Apparently the battle was over. Ron caught a glimpse of an unusually large raven flying from the ground as they neared the town proper, but he didn’t make anything of it. Seamus was standing next to the bound Death eaters, holding a small baby in his arms. The Auror’s group leader gave the floor to Ron.
“How many dead, Seamus?”
“One woman of ours, and two giants.” Ron nodded.
“Any wounded?”
“There are five over here, and the one lying in the mud over there.” Hermione rushed forward to the man lying in the mud.
“Oh my god, what happened to this man?” The lying man’s face was barely recognisable through blood and broken nose. Ron stepped forward and actually halted. He turned to Seamus with a puzzled expression. Seamus only shrugged.
“The one who came to our rescue did this to him, when he found out he was the one who killed the child’s mother. And besides, the guy earned it.”
“Who was it that helped you, and where is he?” Seamus shrugged. If you only new, Ron.
“I don’t know. Never got a good look at his face. But I can tell you this; he fought with swords, and bow and arrows. It was him that killed the giants, and single handily took those five down. Zabini, isn’t that right?” Ron turned around, and at once recognised his former classmate. Then Hermione exclaimed loudly.
“What?”, Ron asked.
“Their Dark marks are gone. They're simply gone, no sign of them ever being there.” Again Ron looked at Seamus, and for the third time Seamus shrugged.
“I have no idea how he did it. He just took their wrists in his hand, and his hand glowed for a second, and that was it” Hermione looked as if she had had the cure for cancer in her hands, then accidentally lost it.
“Wizards have been trying to find a way to remove them since the beginning of the first war, but have had no luck. Are you sure this is what happened?” Seamus nodded. Ron and Hermione caught each others gaze.
“Well, this vigilante is quite interesting,” the older Auror said solemnly. “We must go and report this to the minister as soon as we get back. But now, we must interrogate the prisoners.” The younger two nodded.

15 hours later, Harry touched down on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. He had to rest before he could brave this next challenge. He walked around the outskirts for a while, and finally found what he was looking for; an entrance of an alley that was suspiciously empty. He walked over to it, and touched the wall. He had been right, there was definite feeling of magic working on the wall. He placed his right palm on the centre of the wall, and willed it to open, which it did. Harry drew his knife and stepped into the street on the other side, and what he saw awed him. He had found Diagon alley weird, but this exceeded that by far. For starters, he didn’t enter another alley, but some raised platform, where there were officials watching the gate. One approached and addressed Harry in some language he did not understand. The guard then decided to speak English, but it was broken, and his accent thick.
“Put down weapons.” Harry felt uneasy releasing his weapons, but he wanted to keep a low profile as much as possible. He dropped his knife, and unsheathed the swords. He let his wand go too, and unstrapped the bow and arrows. He raised his arms, palms forward, showing them he meant no harm. The guard stepped forward, took Harry’s left wrist, and took a close look.
“No Dark mark there, sir,” Harry said. The guard eyed him closely, then let go and beckoned for Harry to pick up his things. Five minutes later Harry was making his way through the crowd. Now this was truly something from a fantasy; there were dragons walking among the people, their masters walking in front of them. Many, many other creatures were walking among people, and Harry was constantly looking around, and accidentally walked into a man standing in front of a booth. The man turned around and shouted something at Harry, and Harry, of course didn’t reply. Perhaps it was because he did not understand, or maybe because he was being bombarded with messages from the lion sitting next to the man. Help me out, master. Free me. Save me. Harry had no idea what was happening, but the lion was communicating with him, and stroking his leg with it’s front paws. The owner saw it and hit the lion with a stick. He made a move to do so again, but before the stick connected with the lion again, Harry caught the man’s arm, and twisted. The unfortunate man had to twist his own body in order to escape having a broken arm.
“What do you think you are doing?”
“You do not hit an animal.”
“I do as I want. My lion.”
“You gave up the ownership as soon as you hit it for the first time. And besides, no one owns a lion. Now, you will let the lion go with me, or you shall have a broken arm.” The man was furious, but dared not to argue any more. He bent down, and took of the lion’s collar. Harry dug into his pocket, and handed the man 35 galleons.
“You will not go to the authorities, understand?” The man nodded. Harry patted the lion on the side, and it followed him into the crowd.
You are being followed, my master. Harry discretely looked back, and saw that guard from the gate, few yards back.
Thanks for letting me know. And I am not your master. You are your own master.
No. I choose to be with you, one who can speak to cats of all sizes.
Gee, thanks. OK, do you know any place where I can escape that rat?

Go into old town. The authorities do not go there often, and the streets are small, and narrow, you should lose him quickly in there.
Fine, but how do I get there?
Turn left and keep going west for about twenty minutes.

Half an hour later, Harry had gotten rid of the guard, and was walking slowly, taking in the atmosphere of the city. He entered a small, but beautiful square that had a fountain in the middle, and around it were small tents. Peddlers. Harry went into some of the tents to look at their merchandise, but bought nothing. When he was about to leave the square, an old man called out to him.
“Young man! Young man!” Harry looked to his side, and saw an old man, standing in the entrance of his tent, beckoning him to come inside. Harry entered the tent, and found the old man sitting on a blanket on ground. He motioned to the one at Harry’s feet.

“Sit, please!” Harry did, and the lion came in as well. The old man did not seem bothered in the least by the appearance of a lion.

“Who are you, sir?” Harry asked.
“My name isn’t important. It is what I do that is.” Harry wasn’t liking the direction in which this was heading.
“And what might that be?”
“I have what some people call The third eye, young one.” Harry had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. I don’t need this crap. He replied casually;
“Is that so? Interesting.” The man smiled knowingly.
“You do not believe, do you? You have had bad experience of seers before?”
“You could say that, yes. Why don’t you try and convince me of your talents?”
“Fine.” The man closed his eyes, then opened them, and they were glazed over, as if he were about to cry. He looked at Harry like that for ten minutes, then stopped.
“Amazing! Truly amazing!”
“When I look upon people with my Eye, I can see them for what they are, and so much more. I can see threads around them, swarming in their auras.” Harry was entranced. The old man continued.
“The threads indicate the people one is connected to, either knowing them, or by fate. The threads have different colors for the emotions the people are feeling. Red for passion, white for love, blue for friendship, green for neutrality, and finally black for hate. I see all of them around you. Mostly green, but also quite a few white ones, a red one, some blue ones, and stunningly many black ones. One of the black ones is huge, wider than every one of the other threads, except the red one, that one dominates the aura.” Ginny.
“But there is something else odd in your aura. Golden threads. I have never seen that before. I have no knowledge of those. I did not even know they existed. But one who is connected to so many people must have some great destiny. You have any idea what yours is? If it’s not too frank of me to ask…”
“I have a fair idea of what I must do. But if you’ll excuse me, there’s something I must get to quickly.” Harry stood up and left tent in a hurry. Wacko. He walked around the town for a little while longer. Then, by sundown, he decided it was time. He left the city and when he was about two km outside the city limits, he turned to the lion.
Ok, we’re out, now you can go. You’re free. I have to do something, and I can’t take you with me.
I will stay with you!
No! You may die! I do not want your life on my conscience. I’ve got enough to deal with. But if I survive what I plan to do, I will come and find you, but it may be some time before that happens, mind you.
I will wait for you, master…
And with that, the great beast bounded of into the wilds beyond Cairo. Harry watched his new friend run off until it was but a black dot on the horizon. Well, I’m alone again. It’s for the best anyways. Harry turned into a raven and flew the sixteen or so km distance to the great pyramids. The humongous structures were abandoned, just a guard showing up every now and then. Great, this shall be easy. And it was. Harry staid in the shadows, and within minutes, he was standing in front of the statue. Now, how do I get in there? There’s no door. He stepped up to the statue and touched the thing, and a scraping sound echoed through the night. Harry looked up, and voila, one of the Sphinx eyes had opened up. That was easy. Not one to question his luck, Harry scaled the wall, and entered the eye.

To Harry’s utter surprise, there was only one room, one room, and on the far end, a shield was resting upon a pillar, light shining upon it. The room was the shape of an onion bottle, narrow at the doorway, and gradually widening into a oval shaped room. Then Harry noticed the scorch marks all over the chamber. What? On further examination, Harry noticed that the room was packed with strategically placed mirrors. The beam was shining upon a mirror, just in front of the door. Great, that’s just great. I disrupt the beam, and I get scorched. How the hell am I supposed to get by this? The beam fills the hallway. Just. Fucking. Great. But what if I… Yeah, that’d about do it… My blades should reflect the light just as well as the mirrors. If they’re clean, that is. They weren't. Damn it!

So Harry had to waste a full hour cleaning his blades, but when he was done, the sword reflected his image so well, he’d probably be able to use them as mirrors when shaving for the next time. Nice. Reminder; need to shave. Well, let’s see how it works… Harry put his swords in the way of beam, but what happened next startled him; the beam in the hallway somehow died away, but what was happening up front was amazing. Am I on the set of Star Wars, or something? Short blasting beams were shooting all over the place, in the oval. Some hit the opposite mirrors, again going deep into the room, but most hit the walls, leaving black scorch marks. Oh, this is lovely. Time to go parry practicing, is it? Well, if that’s what we're up for today, then so be it. Now, do I run or walk? Oh, decisions, decisions, what a choices I have. Hmph, what the fuck am is this? Nervous reaction? Better hope not. I’ve never been nervous of fighting, or going through booby traps, and I’m not about to start now. And he dashed forward, swords swinging, parrying every blast. Think god for quick reflexes…

Harry had grabbed the shield from the pillar, and had managed it back to the hallway. His upper left arm had a severe burn wound, though, for he’d missed one blast, and it had gotten him good. He had tried to heal it, but his magic was too drained. And with the adrenalin rush receding, he was completely drained of physical strenght as well. He stumbled towards the door. Perhaps it was the tiredness, or maybe the high of winning that caused Harry to fail to react the swizzling sound that came up from behind him. Two thumb long spears shot through the air, and went through his shoulders. Harry screamed in agony as the pain flared through him. He sank to his knees, trembling. Another dose of adrenalin hit him, and gave him strength to heal the wounds. He got up, but then the dizziness took him. The world spun in his eyes. A terrible sensation hit him, one he hadn’t felt since the fateful evening in his second year. He brought his hands to his nose. The smell was right; Basilisk poison. And Fawkes couldn’t heal him because he’s closed the wounds. Oh, the irony. Ginny, I must see Ginny for the last time. He turned into a raven and flew out into the night as if hell itself was on his heels.

Harry flew throughout the night, never resting. He was feeling worse and worse. I should be dead by now, honestly. Must be the potion that’s what keeping me from dying… He saw the familiar grove, in which the Burrow was located in. He flew over the forrest , then touched down. When he’d changed back to human form, he walked out of the shadow of the trees. He saw three people on the patio, facing him. They hadn’t noticed him yet. He took a step forward, and brushed against the leaves, making a rustling sound. The three people looked up, and the older ones stood up, and raised their wands. Ron, Hermione… Ginny’s sitting still… Then Arthur and Molly appeared on the patio, along with Bill and Charlie.
“Don’t move a muscle!” Arthur Weasley shouted. Harry stopped. His vision was fading, and his legs were shaking. I doubt I could even if I wanted to… He gave an apologetic shrug, and crashed into the ground…

Ron ran silently out into the garden, Bill and Charlie at his back.
“Quetly now, Ron, quetly…” Charlie whispered. At any other time, Ron would have said “I know!” but now was not the time for arguing. They neared the fallen form. The man wasn’t moving, he was out cold. Ron signaled to the others it was ok.

Molly Weasley saw the fallen form. The man’s hair covered his face. He was some days overdue for shaving, and his clothes were dirty, like they hadn’t been washed for a long time, and he smelled like swet and something else. She clicked her tongue. Young men, nowadays… She bent down, and brushed the man’s hair from his face, and what she saw almost killed her.

“No! Harry!? What’s happened to you!?” Ron simply stood there, unmoving. In fact, they all stood unmoving. Except Ginny, who came running, and threw herself down at Harry’s side.
“No, no, no, no! Harry, wake up!” Harry’s chest was barely moving. His breath was shallow and weak and came in laboured gasps. But one eye opened.
“Ginny,” he whispered. She had to lean close to him to hear his voice. Harry grabbed her hand.
“Yes. It’s me. What happened to you?”
“Can’t explain, hurts to much… Where are you? I can’t see you.” Ginny raised her hand, and waived it over Harry’s eyes. They didn’t move.
“Are you blind, Harry?” Ginny asked.
“As of now, I guess…” Ron couldn’t help himself, he led out a slight chuckle.
“Is that you, Ron?”
“Yeah, mate, I’m here,” Ron said, his voice serious once again.
“You and Hermione still together?”
“Yes,” Hermione answered. Harry smiled contently.
“Good. Then I’m happy.” Harry suddenly was hit with a terrible cramp. His body thrashed on the ground. Finally, it stopped, but he was weaker than ever. Hermione knelt by him.
“I can help!” Harry shook his head.
“No, you can’t. The Basilisk poison has gotten to far into my system. There’s no hope for me. I’ll die.”
“No! Harry don’t die!” Ginny screamed on top of her lungs.
“Ginny,” Harry whispered, “I love you…” Harry let go of her hand, and trembled slightly.
And if you don’t mind, I’m going to take a little nap. I’m feeling a bit under the weather…” His chest lowered as he let out a breath, and it didn’t rise again. Harry’s eyes stared emptily into Oblivion. Harry Potter was dead…

Sad, sad, sad… :Þ