Disclaimer: We do not own ant of the Harry Potter Characters: (Remus, Sirius, James and Lily) J.K. Rowling does. But we do own Kirstel and Jenny
Summary: The Marauders, Lily and her friends discover MSN and this is basically their conversations

By: Thex5thxmarauder and TheMarauderGirl

Þetta er eitthvað sem okkur datt í hug og við gerðum í genum MSN, okkur langar bara að sjá viðbrögðin og viljum vita hvort þið viljið fleiri kafla. Við ákváðum ða hafa bara summary og allt það með svo þið getið lesið það. Þetta er

co-skrifað af Parvati hún átti jafn mikinn þátt í þessu og ég.




Parvati = Moony/Remus

Padfoot = Padfoot/Sirius, Jenny/Jen-Jen and Prongs/James


Sirius The Master says:
Hey Moonsey-pooo what's this thing you're making me do?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
This rhymed….

Mr. Moony the Man says:
It's MSN. You talk to people through it ;)

Sirius The Master says:
oh WOW kjewly-jewley

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master says:
yea my word for da day it's poppin'

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
So, how you doing?

Sirius The Master says:
Totally hot girl here…..

Sirius The Master says:
giving her a 9/10

Sirius The Master says:
she has bags under her eyes.….

Mr. Moony the Man says:
I did so not want to know this, Sirius

Sirius The Master says:
I wish Prongsie was here he'd talk about her with me!

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Where is he anyway?

Sirius The Master says:
He’s in Spain lucky bastard but he promised to buy me a niffler! Whoopee I’ve always wanted a niffler

Mr. Moony the Man says:
He's gonna turn your house upside-down, you know that, right?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
The niffler, not James. Or, actually, James could do that, too…

Sirius The Master says:
like I care I’ve already done that to their house so no dif although I don’t know how
Mrs. P will react……

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Well, I'm not going to be too near, my hearing might get damaged

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Sirius, have you done any of your homework?

Sirius The Master says:
heehee nope buuut me and Prongsie have a bulletproof story good enough for Minnie

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Yeah? How does that amazing story of yours sound?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Once upon a time?..

Sirius The Master says:
Prongs is gonna buy the Niffler I’m gonna name him Mushroom

Mr. Moony the Man says:
And how, exactly, is Mushroom the niffler going to make professor McGonagall be all happy about you not doing your homework?

Sirius The Master says:
see we'll tell her that the niffler ate out homework which we where anxious too finish and completed on the first day of vacation with my oh-so-sexy puppy dog pout and eyes

Mr. Moony the Man says:
I'll bet you five Galleons she won't buy it and you’ll get a two weeks detention

Sirius The Master says:
just two weeks? I think you're especially open minded today

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Well, babysitting your cousins isn't exactly the thing on the top of my list about how I want to spend my holidays

Sirius The Master says:
heehee you need to baby sit

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Yes. And don't you dare make fun of it.

Sirius The Master says:
you really think I won't?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Well, no, but a man can always hope…

Sirius The Master says:

Sirius The Master says:
what'cha doin?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Watching Charlotte and Derik throw mud on each other. Oh, and now Charlotte is falling in the pool.

Mr. Moony the Man says:
I should go saving her… Brb

Sirius The Master says:
oooh you always get too save the girl

Sirius The Master says:

Sirius The Master says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Sirius, she is eight!

Sirius The Master says:
oohh good I was starting to worry…..

Sirius The Master says:
I wanna save 16-19 year old in white t-shirts *dreamy look*

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Why white t-shirts?

Sirius The Master says:
cuz they're see through have I taught you nothing!

Mr. Moony the Man says:
You can't see… you know what, just if they are in white t-shirts, you prat…

Sirius The Master says:
well I can see them anyway I have a boyish charm remember?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
And a boyish charm gives you an x-ray vision?

Sirius The Master says:
no but that would be dead cool

Mr. Moony the Man says:
For you. Not for me…*shivers*

Sirius The Master says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Because an x-ray vision would work on everything. Boys too.

Sirius The Master says:
no not if I was queen of the world!

Mr. Moony the Man says:
If you were the queen of the world, something would be REALLY wrong.

Sirius The Master says:
why so mean Moony?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Someone has do deliver the truth to you, my dear friend

Sirius The Master says:
buut why you

Sirius The Master says:
I want Prongsie

Mr. Moony the Man says:
No one else does : )

Sirius The Master says:
tru dat

Mr. Moony the Man says:
I want anything other then Charlotte and Derik.

Sirius The Master says:
Why don’t you come over?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Can't : ( Have to have those little gremlins for the next two hours

Sirius The Master says:
I’m eating a 2-story chocolate cake Mikky made for me

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master says:
The house-elf she's in love with me then again who isn’t?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
I’m not….

Sirius The Master says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
No, you're right, we all love you : )

Sirius The Master says:
aww wish I could say the same

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master says:
no just kidding

Sirius The Master says:
or was I ?

Sirius The Master says:
dun dun dun

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Will you, pleeeeease, keep some cake for me? The only cake I have is a mud one.

Sirius The Master says:
heehee i can't promise but I’ll try

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Thank you my dear friend

Sirius The Master says:
No problem for John Bbblem

Sirius The Master says:
soo when you “moving in” this summer?

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
When do the Potters come home?

Sirius The Master says:
2 days….

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Than I'll be there in three days : )

Sirius The Master says:
but i'm lonl……hey look there's Jenny….

Mr. Moony the Man says:
And by that time you've cleaned my room, made my bed and put little chocolates on the pillow, right?

Sirius The Master says:
dream on my friend

Sirius The Master says:
Awww the little Remmy boy miss her much

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Aww… Yeah, I miss her too much

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Where is she? What is she doing?

Sirius The Master says:
god mushy…*rolls eyes*

Mr. Moony the Man says:
You don't know love, little fellah

Sirius The Master says:
She’s moving in next door r sum BRB i'm gonna go check it out

Mr. Moony the Man says:
What! : O YAY! : D

Mr. Moony the Man says:
hug her from me? Or, on second thought, don't.

Sirius The Master says:
yea i'm gonna go greet her BRB

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Keep your filthy tongue away from her!

Sirius The Master says:
I can't promise anything

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
She's here

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Is she! HIIIII! : D

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
Hi Remus!!!!

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Hi honey!

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
how are you doing?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Okay… But I'm bored, and I miss you…

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
aww I miss you too : C

Mr. Moony the Man says:
You're moving in next to the Potters?

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
Yes hallelujah

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Than I can meet you when I come over!

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
Can you please tell Sirius to stop poking me?

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
but it's fun……….

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Jen, has he stopped?

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
You choose a girl over a fellow marauder you broke rule number 15849258! In the marauder code!!!

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Did not! (No offence, Jenny)

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
oh god Honey do you know any healing spells for eyes?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Did he poke you in the EYE!?

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
No he sorta did that to himself…….

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Well, then it's okay

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
no oh god gotta go! shit

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
REMUS! he POKED his own eye!

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Hehe, I understand you

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
happened before?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Sort of….

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
oh ok Kristel has too many times…….

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
One of my best friends…..

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Thaaat Kirstel. Good, I thought you were maybe talking about a guy

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
Perhaps jealous Moony m'boy?

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
Hell yea baby!

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Jenny.……….What did you do to her?

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
yeeees ?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
what did you do to my girlfriend!

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
No not yes I want you to answer me yes to the question if you di…..oh just let it go

Mr. Moony the Man says:
If I know you right, she could have purple tentacles growing out of her ears now.

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Please tell me she does not.

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
noo they're green

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
What I’m sorry I just don’t like purple!

Mr. Moony the Man says:
That's it I'm coming oehajdja jdfhae ja gfdjs

Mr. Moony the Man says:
reemus has girlfreeend

Mr. Moony the Man says:
sehl hh fbhhaahaa

Mr. Moony the Man says:
remus annnd jk rfdfdf

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
uhhhh Moony?

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
ARGH! Bloody cousins!

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
I was just kidding with your girl man she's fine

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:

Sirius The Master&Jen-Jen says:
so ya comin?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
I can't. For the 1000 time

Sirius The Master says:
Jenny's leaving now : C i'm alone….so alone OMFGQRDSGNSG The doorbell

Sirius The Master says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Oh, gosh, the doorbell. I think that will go down in history… *rolls eyes*

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
Prongsie's here!!!!!!!!! whoopeee

Mr. Moony the Man says:
he missed me too much

Mr. Moony the Man says:
But, he wasn't to come home in two days

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Anyway, Hi James!

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
My Parents are gonna stay a couple of weeks longer : D

Mr. Moony the Man says:
That means… party time?

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
Hey Monny whassup?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Oh. thought so. That means more babysitting time for me.

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
heehee *point and laugh*

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
Hey my niffler!!!!!!

Mr. Moony the Man says
First I have to watch over two nine year old’s in a mud fight, and than babysit two 16 years old drooling over girls. Yay….

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
OMFGBBQSDF he bought a Niffler!

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
later Moony

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
we're gonna go cook my mum’s cookbook

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Have fun with the niffler. Note to self: Not wear anything shiny when I come over

Mr. Moony the Man says:
So you're leaving me?

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
Well of too the cooking machine

Mr. Moony the Man says:
All alone with those little gremlins?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
You traitors.

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
Yes but we're gonna go cook the cookbook *snicker*

Mr. Moony the Man says:
That does not sound good. To bad I'm already busy babysitting. I'll come as soon as I can, Do not put the house on fire. (I think I'll owl Jenny and ask her do keep an eye on you…)

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
no need, we got rid of her she won't get it for a couple of days…………

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty says:
Well bye Moony

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Right. (Sirius, you got me once. I do not believe you twice in a row.)

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Bye, guys. Now be good boys until Remus comes, okay?

Mr. Moony the Man says:
And James?

Sirius The Master&Prongs the Petty Appear too be offline all messages will be received when he/she will sign in

Mr. Moony the Man says:
Too late…

Mr. Moony the Man says:
I'm all alone…

Mr. Moony the Man says:
So alone…

Mr. Moony the Man says:
With the gremlins.

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Mr. Moony the Man says:
They're gonna eat me!

Mr. Moony the Man says:

Mr. Moony the Man appears to be offline. All message will be received when he/she signs in.

Hey guys we’ve done quite a few chapters of this and we will post it if you like the first one, in the next ones there are other characters talking such as Lily and James, Jenny and Lily etc etc. So review bitte!


TheMarauderGirl and Thex5thxMaraude
You can't hold no groove if you ain't got no pocket!