Sorry hvað þetta tók langan tíma, ég póstaði kaflanum um daginn, en gleymdi að láta fylgja númer kaflans, og nafn sögu :S :S :S :S

Harry made his way trough Hogwarts shadowy hallways. In the shadows. Always in the shadows. He crept silently towards the Headmaster’s office, making no sound, quite pleased with himself. Until he heard a voice behind him. He turned…

“What do you think happened, Hagrid?” Hermione was still quite shaken, but her curiosity won her over. Hagrid looked at her for a moment, then answered heavily.

“I don’t know, Hermione. This kind of thing doesn’t happen often. In fact they are extremely rare. I do remember it happening since last war, and that was only one incident. And I have a feeling that this will be no isolated incident.” The three teenagers were all ears.

“Meaning?” Hagrid looked at them awfully serious.

“Meaning that we most likely we have a vigilanty on the loose.”

“Why is that a bad thing, Hagrid?- Ron asked”

“It’s bad, Ron, because vigilantes usually don’t look under the surface. He most likely will just expose of any Death Eater he comes across, not taking the nessesary precautions. Like seeing if they are under the Imperious Curse. So he might end up killing an innocent man or woman…”

“And that would be like going from the pan into the fire, right? It will only serve as oil on the fire.” Ron, as usual was a bit late to catch on.

“What do you mean? If he kills innocent… And I just got it. He’ll want to avenge them, their abuse?”

“It’s very likely,” Kinglsey said from the door. “Men or women like that have a strong, if a bit deranged sense of justice. Although I am sure you would have been taken if he hadn’t done what he did. We have finished searching the grounds, and the rest of the school premises and we found no sign of him.”

“You’re doing quite good. For a human.”
Harry whipped around, unseething a small knive as he did. He let out a relieved sigh as he saw who it was who adressed him.

“Ah, Crookshanks don’t do that again. Scared the life out of me.” The cat gave him a mocking smile in return.

“It’s no more than you deserve. For what you are doing to Hermione. She misses you. They all do.”

“Well you have to understand that I had no choice but to leave. She is safer this way, all of them.” Harry relized now that he was standing in front of the gargoyle that hid the entrance to the headmasters office. He was standing in the middle of the hallway! He turned to the yellow flat-nosed cat and grinned.

“You wouldn’t possibly know the password for this door would you? I desperatly need to get in here.” The cat favored him with a knowing smile.

“I know,” he said, “Fawkes told me about your coming, and asked me to look for you, and help you. And so I shall. The password is Order.” How fitting. And then the yellow, flat-nosed cat leaped away down the corridor. Harry spoke the password and entered the office. It was pretty much the same as it had been a few months back. He then looked at the portraits, only to find them scowling down to him.

“What?” Harry asked in a mock innocent voice.

“You should not be here, boy,” the image of Phineas Nigellus said angrily, peering down at him.

“And where have you been?”- Dippet asked.

“Busy, masters,” Harry said, the respect in his voice fully clear now.

“I have come for a certain relic, that I need to take. The sword.” Harry moved to the desk and removed the sword form it. He felt a warm feeling wizzle up his arm, not so unlike the feeling he had when he picked up his vand at Ollivander’s before his first year. He knew what it meant. The sword was his. He was one with it, and it with him. He pulled a knife from the top of his boot and slowely picked the sapphires from the hilt of the sword. And as he placed them in their slots, all the emeralds glowed for a while, and then became dark again. He slowly strapped the sword onto his back, and moved around for a while, getting comfortable with his new equipment.

“You should put that down, young man.” Harry turned at the voice of Phineas Nigellus, former headmaster of Hogwarts.

“Nah… I’m thinking about keeping it for a while. Might have to use it someday… Oh, and another thing. I would ask you to not tell anyone I was here… It’s better for everyone if no one knows.” And with that he turned on his heel and made his way back out to the shadowy corridors of Hogwarts. Once there he resumed his stealth movements, moving from shadow to shadow, cover to cover. He moved swiftly, and with an unnatural grace, which had reached new heights when he placed the saphires in their respective slots on his outfit. No one saw him of course, and they would not have even though they had peered into the shadow in which he was hiding. He reached the front hall, and stood there for a moment letting the breeze from the big open doors flow about him. He darted out and headed for Hagrid’s hut again. He looked through the window and saw five people and a dog in the one room in the hut. He stood there for a moment looking at them with envious eyes, tears beginning to form in them. He blinked them away quickly. Get a hold on your self! He turned to walk away, into the woods, but then turned slowely and saw Fang looking directly at him. Harry smiled sad crooked smile at the dog he had known for so many a year… He waved his hand.

‘Til we meet again, old friend!

Harry Potter disappeard into the shadows once more…

A little deeper in the woods another creature of the shadows waited patiently for its prey. Shadowstalker the vampire sat up in a tree his leg swinging from the branch upon which he sat. The boy is clever. Too clever, it’s not natural. His senses are much finely tuned than any mortal or vampire I have ever met, or encountered for that matter, but what was he doing in that castle? Why risk blowing his cover by going into the castle? I guess time will tell… And swiftly! The vampire got on his feet quickly and waited…

Harry made his way soundlessly through the forest again. His now higly tuned ears took in all sounds within 500 meter radius. His nose was at alarm, telling him of any smell that might be interesting. The young man stopped suddenly a few yards away from a big tree. He smelled something, something bad. It had the scent of a dead animal, but he was sure it wasn’t. He looked around and then a sudden prickling sensation in the back of his head alerted him. He dropped low and rolled to the side as a sword slashed down with immence force. He got on his feet and drew his sword from it’s seath on his back all in one motion. Harry locked eyes with the animal that he had smelled and then the smell made sense. He instantly knew what it was. He was facing his first enemy in a sword fight. He was facing a vampire armed to the teeth…

Shadowstalker peered into the night, looking for Harry. He saw no sign of the boy, but he was sure he was around here somewhere, he had heard him a while ago. He then looked down and nearly let out a gasp as he saw the boy just a few yards from the tree. He recoverd quickly however. He hadn’t lived for 450 years by being taken by surprise. He soundlessly drew his blade and dropped from the branch, raising his sword, hoping to catch the boy unawares, but failed as the boy dropped low and rolled to the side. Quick. The vampire was taken by surprise for the second time in as many ninutes, by the boy’s unnaturaly fast reflexes. Shadowstalker yanked his sword out of the ground and locked eyes with his prey. For the first time ever, Shadowstallker did not see the smallest hint of fear in his prey’s eyes. This one is different… Instead of fear, there was an iron determination. Dangerous… Slowly, the two combatants started to circle one another, neither willing to make the first move.

Harry’s eyes examined his enemy, and their suroundings. He gripped his sword tightly and relaxed his muscles. Stay calm! Scared fighter is often a bad one, and makes mistakes. But do not underestimate your enemy… Harry ever so slighlty bent his knees to lower his centre of gravity. Harder to knock down like this, I s’pose… Then at the same moment, the two rushed forward, swords raised, and slammed down with them. Sparkes flew, and the sound of metal striking metal was unbearable, and sent all close animals in an uproar, but neither warrior flinched. Their swords locked, the two stared at each other, respect shining out of their eyes. Suddenly, Harry twirled to the side and got the vampire good on the chin with a swift back hand hit. The undead beast staggered back, but Harry did not give him a moment to recover, but charged right in, his sword moving in a blur. The vampire, matching Harry’s speed, deflected every one, and got in a swift svipe of his sword. Harry staggered back clutcing the right side of his face. Blood oozed from the wound, which burned like fire. The vampire stood back, a satisfying smile on his face.

“You are quite capable with that sword of yours, I’ll give you that. Too bad you’re to be dead in a few seconds… Unless, of course you’d like me to bite you…” And he charged forward, sword working in a flurry of moves, Harry barely deflecting them. But he managed to sommersault away, drawing a small blade as he landed on his feet again.

“Well, we’ll have to see about that, won’t we? I sure as hell don’t want to be a vampire, and I really do not think I have the time to die just yet…” Harry suddenly jumped forward, both his blades coming in wide. Shadowstalker locked them with his sword, but Harry kicked up with his leg and got him in the gut, the vampire staggering back from the sheer force of the kick. Harry then struck the beast on the left temple with the pommel of his sword, a blow that would had killed any ordinary man. But then again this was an undead beast, not a man… Shadowstalker fell to the ground, stunned. Harry walked over, sword gripped tightly in his hand. He reversed his grip, kissed the hilt of his sword and raised the ancient sword slowly… Casualties of war… He watched with repulsion as the swordtip pierced the skin and muscle and impaled it self in Shadowstalker’s heart. The body thrashed a little, and then turned to dust in front of him. Harry slowly made his way towards the pile of ashes, and kneeled next to it. You were a creature of honor. Wonder why you were on Voldie’s side… He picked up the late vampires sword and strapped it onto his back, along with Gryffindor’s sword. After all the thing was dead, and would have no use for a sword… Harry sat down a few feet from the pile of dust, and sat there for a while. Then the rush of battle slowly died away, the adrenalin subsided, and then the pain picked up. Oh how it hurt, the side of his head. He reached up and touched the wound and discovered he was still bleeding. He had not lost any serious amount of blood, but it had to be mended. He closed his eyes, concentrated hard on healing. He then brought his right hand to his face, the scar in his palm glowing a brilliant white light, and ran a finger down the wound, which then in turn vanished. The pain in his head went away, and he got up, weary in the extreme. He glimpsed a sizable hole, crawled in and fell asleep…