Jæja, þá er komið að því. Spuninn minn komst að. :P Ég skrifaði þennan spuna fyrst á ensku og sendi hann á enska síðu og þess vegna mun hann vera á ensku. Ég mun mjög líklega ekki þýða hann. Ég reyndi það en það bara gekk alls ekki nógu vel.

Þessi spuni fjallar um mömmu og pabba hans Harry þegar þau voru í skóla og mun ekki fara alveg eftir bókunum um hvernig þau kynntust.

Þessi spuni er einnig fyrir nokkuð eldra fólk, það verða svokallaðar “rómantískar senur” þannig þeir sem eru ekki orðnir nógu gamlir fyrir þess háttar efni eru vinsamlegast beðnir um að leita annað.

And so without further ado….

Title: Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken
Disclaimer: I do not anything Harry Potter or anything else. No money is being made from this.
Warnings: M/F, Solo, Oral, Lemon,
Rating: NC-17 (later)
Main Pairing: James Potter/Lily Evans
An: I got the title from a movie I saw as a kid.

Chapter One: An Eventful Train Ride

Lily Evans, 16, sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts express on her way to her sixth year at Hogwarts. She stared out the window trying to find her best friends, Katherine Willows, or Kat for short, and Xaphania Tylers, or Ni-Ni (she hated her name and would behave not so lady like whenever anyone referred it). Lily was rather tall, about 176 cm, with a thin, curvy figure. Her skin was creamy and beautiful, as was her hair, which was a deep red and wavy. It was also rather long; it went down to the middle of her back. Her most astounding feature, however, were her eyes, they were a bright green and had a fiery sparkle to them. To most people, Lily was a shy, bookwormish nerd and a prefect. However, those that really knew her knew she was really mischievous and had a temper that went well with her hair but she only showed this side to people she knew extremely well. Today she was wearing a dark blue skirt that went past just past her knee, it also had stripes in a chevron pattern that were in lighter blue colors. She also had on a white, long sleeved, rather tight shirt. She planned on changing into her robes on the train.

There she was, she had finally spotted Kat. She had just pushed her trolley through the barrier and was making her way through the crowd. There was still no sign of Nia. I hope they find me soon; I really don’t want to leave and lose this compartment. She wasn’t really comfortable with yelling out the window with most of the school outside. Lily decided to try to get a little rest; she had stayed up almost all night talking to her best friend (in the muggle world that is). They wouldn’t be seeing each other for months, so Lily definitely didn’t regret it, she was however very tired. Her cat, a sleek, black creature called Cosmic Creapers, lay on her lap, purring. She lay back against the window and closed her eyes, hoping to get some rest.


A tall, handsome boy in his sixth year stepped through the barrier to platform 9 ¾. His name was James Potter. He was around 185 cm tall, with jet-black hair that was rather messy. He had lovely, hazel brown eyes that the girls at his school swooned over. He had a very well built body, as he was a Quidditch player, he was a chaser for the Gryffindor House team. He also happened to have a reputation of being a total player, though he wasn’t quite as bad as his best friend, Sirius Black. Sirius often talked about the girls he dated as his “flavor of the week”, though they rarely lasted that long. Sirius was a few inches taller than James and he also had black hair, although his was a lot tamer than James’. He had the fit body of a Quidditch player as well; he was a beater on the Gryffindor team. He had deep, blue eyes and a cocky grin was forever plastered to his face. James and Sirius were both extremely smart but unfortunately they used those brains to cook up schemes to prank people, mostly slytherins. They made up half of a group of pranksters called The Marauders. The other two boys were Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin. Remus was not considered as quite handsome as his two friends but he was far from ugly. He had light brown, rather long hair and light blue eyes. He was rather lean, not quite as muscular as the other two; he was fit in the way of a runner, which he was, he got up early every day to run laps around the Quidditch pitch. He was easily as smart as James and Sirius, he however devoted more of his time to studying than the other two and as a result he was a prefect. That isn’t to say that he wasn’t into pranking people, he just did his homework too. He also had a tendency to look a bit ill but this was because of his secret. Remus was a werewolf. He had been bitten when he was very young and had to endure the terrible pain of the transformation once a month. He hadn’t had any hope of being able to come to Hogwarts but Dumbledore had taken pity on him and arranged things so that Remus was able to come. So once a month he went down the tunnel under the Womping Willow to the shrieking shack were he was able to transform without harming anyone. Remus always made excuses to friends along the lines of visiting his sick mother and such things. His friends of course became suspicious and figured out what he was and instead of abandoning him, they did the best thing they could. They became animagi and accompanied him during him during his transformations, which made things easier for Remus. They all had nicknames that were connected to their forms of transformation. James was a stag and was therefore called Prongs. Sirius was a huge black dog that resembled a Grim, and was called Padfoot. Peter was a rat and called Wormtail. Remus was called Moony for obvious reasons. A lot of people wondered about their strange nicknames but no one ever figured them out. The last person in the group didn’t quite fit in or so most people thought. Peter was short, fat, had light brown hair and watery eyes. He wasn’t bright like the other three and he rather hero-worshipped them, especially James and Sirius.

James was making his way towards the train through the crowd and was looking for his friends when he felt someone jump him from behind.
“Prongsie! Where ya been?”

“Padfoot! You trying to kill me?” James replied as he tried to pry Sirius off him. When he was finally free he grinned at Sirius

“So, any ideas for prank this year?”

Sirius grinned back at him, “I’ve had some ideas but we need something REALLY big for the feast.”

“Well, I’ve got just the thing!”

James proceeded to tell him about his plan. When he had finished Sirius just looked at him and cackled.

“Prongs, man, this is going to be great! You’re a genius!”

“Don’t tell him that, you’ll just inflate his head even more.”

James and Sirius whipped around to look at the brown haired boy walking towards them with a grin on his face.

“Moony! You’ve got to hear this, it’s brilliant!”

They began telling Remus about the plan as they entered the train and began looking for a compartment.


They had been through the entire train and they still hadn’t found a compartment, though they had hexed a few slytherins. In one of the last compartments they found one that was almost empty. There was only a girl that seemed to be asleep. She was sort of pretty but they, or rather James and Sirius, were sure that they had never seen her before.

“I wonder if she’s changing schools,” murmured James.

“If she is, I hope she’s from Beauxbatons, they’re supposed to be really wild,” said Sirius with a grin.

“You prats, that’s Lily Evans, she’s been at Hogwarts as long as we have,” said Remus.

“How do YOU know who she is? Is there something you haven’t been telling us?” said Sirius with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Remus sighed,” No Sirius, we don’t all think the way you do, you know.”

“I do,” retorted James as Sirius replied, “ Why not? It’s much funner.”

“Okay, A, funner is not a word, and B, she’s a prefect, I’ve seen her at prefect meetings. We’ve also had to patrol a few times together.”

“Aha, strolling down dark corridors together with no one to stop them doing things they shouldn’t be doing.” Sirius wiggled his eyebrows at him.

“Padfoot, I really worry about you sometimes.”


Remus just sighed, walked over to Lily and tapped her shoulder. Lily opened her eyes and looked up at Remus.

“Oh hi, Remus.” Her eyes widened when she saw his two friends. “Uh, W-What are you guys doing here?”

“We were wondering if we could sit with you. We can’t find a compartment.”

“Um, Ok, I guess. I have to go find my friend. Can you save our seats?”

“No Problem.”


And with that she rushed out of the compartment. James and Sirius, who had been eyeing her legs, stuck their heads out of the compartment and watched her walk down the train, especially her swaying hips. When she was out of sight, they went back in and sat down.

“Why have we never noticed her before?” said James.

“She’s really shy, as you might have noticed,” replied Remus.

“Well, She’ll be mine within a week,” stated Sirius.

“I bet I can get her before that,” said James.

“Why, is that a challenge, Mr. Prongs?”

“Why, yes it is, Mr. Padfoot.”

Remus cracked up. “You guys are hopeless. You’ll never get her. Lily’s the type of girl who doesn’t have sex until her wedding night. Couple that with her shyness and there is no way you’ll ever get Lily Evans.”

“Well then, we’ll just have to change her mind, right Prongs?”

“Right. So, what are the stakes?”

“Uh, Stakes?”

“This a bet. Whoever gets Lily first, all the way, wins. So what does the loser have to do?”

“I dunno, this is your field of expertise.”

“Ok, I say loser has to pay for drinks next time we go partying in Hogsmeade.”

“Are you sure you want to do that, Prongs? I can drink a lot, you know. I’ve always wanted to try those really expensive drinks at Selene’s. Then again it’s not as if your short in money.” Sirius grinned at his best friend and waited to see what he would do.

“I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you Sirius. You know the girls can’t resist me!”

“Whatever Prongs. Let’s get this bet going.”


Lily had not actually been asleep when the boys walked in. She had seen them through the glass door. Great, this is just what I need when I’m sleep deprived and have the world’s biggest headache. The biggest troublemakers in school come to bother me. She decided to feign sleep and listen to what they were saying. Merlin, do these guys actually think like this?! They’re even worse than I thought! Well, Remus isn’t that bad. But the other two!? My Gods…

Lily finally found Kat at the other side of the train talking to some girls. Kat was just as tall as Lily and had a similar figure but that was where the resemblance ended. Kat had blond hair that went down to her shoulders


Kat whipped around. “Lily!”

They squealed as they hugged each other.

“Oh Merlin, I missed you so much!” said Lily.

“Oh me too! We have so much to catch up on!”

“I’ve already got us a compartment at the other end of the train. Unfortunately, We have to share it with the marauders.”

“What! Why? ”

“Well, I was sitting in the compartment, waiting for a certain someone,” Lily glared at Kat. She just grinned back. “when they sort of barged on. Speaking of which, I was pretending to be asleep when they came and you’ll never guess what they said.” Lily told her what the boys had said.

“Merlin, they’re even worse than I thought!”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“Why couldn’t you get rid of them? You know they bug the hell out of me!”

“Oh, well, I just didn’t really feel comfortable with saying no to them.”

“In other words you were too shy to do it.”

“Well, yeah…anyways, we better get back or knowing them, they’ll have lost us our seats or set up a prank on us or some such thing.”

“You’re right, let’s go.”

And they headed down the train dragging Kat’s trunk.


When the girls finally reached the compartment, they realized that Lily had been right; the boys had lost them their seats. Peter had joined the boys, along with the James Potter/Sirius Black fan club.

“I thought you were going to save our seats!” said Kat, very close to yelling at them.

“Kathrine Willows! Imagine seeing you here!” said Sirius with a fake polite voice, then stood up, grabbed her hand and kissed it. She jerked her hand away with icy glare.

“But we did, there’s still room.” Said James.

“What are you talking about, I don’t see any room,” asked Lily.

“Right here,” James pulled her into his lap. Lily tried to stand back up, but James held her down. Great, she thought, Just perfect. The girls in the room were glaring at her.

“You know there’s room over here, Kat” said Sirius and patted his lap.

“I think I’d rather stand” she replied icily.

James had casually put his hand on Lily’s thigh, right below the hem of her skirt. Very slowly, he began moving it higher.

“Don’t do that.” Said Lily.

“Do what?” said James, still moving his hand.

“You know what.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want you to.” Said Lily as she pushed his hand away.

James was shocked. She didn’t want him to? All of the girls wanted James. How could she not want him to? Sirius grinned at him from across the compartment. James shot him a look.

“Do you have any idea how hot you are, Evans?” whispered James in her ear.

“W-What do you mean?,” she replied. Oh my god. He did not just say that. He is such a player.

“You know, you’re quite… arousing,” he whispered. Lily could feel a hot bump press against her thigh through James’ pants. Lily looked at him, wide eyed. By this time the snooty girls drooling over James and Sirius had left in a huff. She jumped up and pulled Remus out of the compartment.

“Come on, Remus. We have to go to the prefects compartment.”

Kat also left muttering something about idiots.

“What did you do to her?” asked Sirius

“Oh, let’s just say that Little Prongsie decided he wanted to come out and play.”

Sirius laughed his bark like laugh. “Well, definitely a virgin then.”


When Lily got back, the boys were playing wizards chess. As she walked in Sirius decided to go outside. Then, of course, he just happened to fall and right on top of Lily.
“Oomph! Oops, sorry Lily.” He grinned at her.

“Uhh… Sirius, would you mind getting off me?” said Lily, trying to sound annoyed, but it just came out as shy.

At that moment Kat walked in.

“Sirius, you are such a perv!”

“What?! I fell! It was a total accident!”


“You guys, we’ll be there soon, so we need to change into our robes,” said Lily.

She and Kat walked out with their robes in their arms, heading for the bathroom.

At this, Remus walked in.

“So, how’s the bet going?”

“I’m winning,” said James.

“Ha! Yeah right! You try to talk to her and she runs as fast as she can in the opposite direction. Yeah, she’s totally falling for you,” said Sirius sarcastically.

“Well, at least I’ve talked to her! All you’ve done is squash her,” retorted James. “That’s bound to make her fall for you!”

“Well, then I’ll just have to fix that.”

And he stormed out of the compartment.

“What does he mean by that?” wondered James aloud.

“I’m guessing that he’s gone to find Lily,” replied Remus.


Sirius walked to the bathrooms and began opening them. Finally he found one that was occupied. He knocked on the door.

“Just a sec,” Lily called out.

He jiggled the handle, just to bug her.

“I said, just a SEC! I’m almost done!” yelled Lily.

Sirius chuckled and muttered the unlocking spell, “Alohomora.” Then he opened the door.


Lily had just stripped down to her underwear and was about to put on her robes when somebody knocked on the door.

“Just a sec.”

The person on the other side then jiggled the handle.

“I said, just a SEC! I’m almost done!”

Damn impatient kids, she thought. Then she heard the lock on her door click. Shit! she thought. She gasped and pulled her robes around her. Someone opened the door and she saw Sirius’ mischievous grin.

“Sirius! What the fuck are you doing?!”

Sirius walked towards her. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry for squishing you like that.”

“Excuse me?”

“I want to say I’m sorry and I was thinking I could make it up to you, if you know what I mean…” He ran his eyes up and down her body.

“Oh Merlin Sirius! You are seriously demented! Get out of her!”

As she pushed him out, he said, “You sure? ‘Cuz I really wouldn’t mind makin’ it up to you…”

“Bye, Sirius!”

She closed the door and locked it with a spell. Sirius tried “Alohomora” on it again but it wouldn’t work.

“Damn! Well, you’ve got to admit, that girl knows her charms…”


“So, where’d you go?” asked James when Sirius returned.

“Let’s just say I had a little bathroom rendezvous with Lily.” He smirked.


“Don’t worry, I haven’t won the bet…yet.”

All of a sudden, the train gave a lurch.

“Shit! We’re here and we still haven’t put on our robes!”

The boys threw their robes on and got off the train.



a/n: Selene is the Greek goddess of the night. I thought it would be cool to name a club after her

Jæja, hvernig fannst ykkur?
'It's gonna be AWESOME!' - Barney Stinson