Eins og með The Beginning of a new term þá sendi ég þetta inná ensku alveg eins og ég sendi það inn á www.hgnetwork.co.uk/siye, fyrir utan það íslenskuna efst og neðst. Ég er ekki alveg búinn með 2.kafla í The beginning… en ég sendi hann hingað þegar að hann er tilbúinn…ákvað samt í millitíðinni að senda inn 3.kafla!
Þannig er, að þetta er ekki svona 20.kafla plotmikil saga, heldur samansafn af ævintýrum þeirra tveggja, á ensku, og er hver einstök saga svona sirka 1-2 kaflar.
Fyrir áhugamsama, þá á ég líka til R-rated sögur, en til að lesa þær þarftu að hafa náð tilskildum aldri, og birti ég þær því ekki beint hingað. Ég er búinn að senda þetta inn áður, fyrir 3 dögum, en var það neitað útaf því að það var á ensku, sem ég fatta ekki alveg, og útaf uppsetningunni, sem ég fatta ekki alveg heldur.
En hérna er sagan.

A/N: Well, I have decided to write a story for this challenge. I am planning on writing this different from everyone else writing for this challenge. Maybe it happens. Maybe it doesn't.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I own a skateboard.

A trip to Hogsweade

Ginny Weasley was indeed a very happy teenage girl at the moment. Everyone looking at her could she that clearly. Very clearly. But why was she happy; the reader might ask. Well, you see, a certain man had asked her to accompany him to Hogsmeade. Well, or the very fine replacement of Hogsmeade, the Room of Requirement. Death Eaters had been seen shopping for new unirobes in Hogsmeade, and everyone had quite literally freaked out. So the Headmaster, barmy little bugger he was, had decided to cancel the next Hogsmeade weekend. Due to much protest from students, especially the Slytherins, Dumbledore had offered a deal to the students. The aforementioned Room of Requirement would be transferred into a replacement for Hogsmeade, and he would arrange for the local merchants to sell their products in Hogsweade, as now referred as by the students. The houses would get a day each, and were to honour Valentine's Day. Honour? Barmy little bugger. Everyone had been very happy about that decision, except for the Slytherins, who seemed quite desperate to get everyone to the real Hogsmeade. Can't imagine why. Anyway. Off topic.

And now back to the matter of hand, the very happy teenage git, er, girl that Ginny Weasley was. Maybe I wasn't very specific when I told you about that certain man who asked her to accompany him. You might have thought that she was happy he invited her. Ha! Not a chance in *BEEP* I'd say. Who would be happy to be asked out by Severus Snape??? No, she was happy because when Snape asked, a certain raven-haired, green-eyed saint had said to him:

"You???!!! Asking her out???!!! Not a chance in *BEEP* I'd say. Ginny, will you do me the favour of joining me on the Hogsweade Valentine's day trip?"

She had said yes, of course. She had noticed that he had been a tad nervous when he had finished the sentence. And by the look of his face, she guessed he had only been thinking about how nice it would be, but not exactly expecting her to want to, and was terrified she was going to say: ‘*BEEP* you’, slap him, tell Ron and Hermione, Ron would beat him into a pulp, Hermione would offer logical explainations of as exaxtly why Ginny did not like him romantically, they would both stop talking to him and he would be friendless for the rest of his 6th and 7th years at Hogwarts. If you haven't noticed, Ginny's quite good at reading faces. But when she had simply said yes, his face had suddenly changed into an expression that simply yelled: ‘YES!!!!!!!!!’. She actually was pretty certain her face showed pretty much the same expression, but did not care in the least about that.

When she arrived in her dorm, humming to herself, she threw herself at the bed. Not a good idea.

“OW!!!!” she exclaimed. She had, you see, landed on the floor, as she had not exactly been watching where she threw herself. That ought to teach her to watch where she's going.

“OW!!!!” Apparently not. She had actually walked into the wall while trying to steady herself after standing up from the floor.


She decided just to go to sleep. After all, it was Friday, her head hurt, and she wanted to dream about snogging her saint. So she went to sleep.


“BLOODY HELL!!!!!!” was her very unfeminine response when she saw the announcement announcing that tomorrow, Sunday February 3rd, Gryffindor were to have their Valentine's day held. Dumbledore desperately needed a good snog to remind him about the purpose of Valentine's day. And for that snog to take place on Valentine's day. Celebrating February 14th was all about the fond memories of good snogs. It just wasn't the same to have it February 3rd! Apparently, Dumbledore was to old to remember any good snogs. Sad really. Maybe Crookshanks could offer him one.

Off topic.

Ginny freaked out. She had always stated proudly that she had never freaked out because of girly girly things, like clothes and makeup. She never could again. She ran straight to her dorm and attacked her roommates, asking them for clothes, asking them for makeup, asking them advice for the following day. They probably would've blasted her out of the room, if not for the fact that Ginny Weasley was asking girly girly things. So Ginny indeed got her help, and her sanity was saved.

Once she was pretty sure what was what and what was what, had gotten lots of girly girly clothes from her roommates, and had been taught that mascara was not to be used on fingers, she went to sleep. You can imagine her knowledge before that Saturday.


She woke up at 6 AM, dressed, attached makeup and all the other girly girly things there are to do for your big date, and then attached, er, attacked Harry in his dorm, telling him that the date was off if he wouldn't be ready in 15 minutes. And he believed her! How on earth was he supposed to defeat the Dark Lord? Stupid little saint.

He came down to the common room 14 minutes and 59 seconds later, looking extremely pleased as to have managed to get ready in 15 minutes. She had decided to be flpping mad at him for taking the whole 15 minutes, but instead just stared at him, being madly in love with him. Yes, in love. Should she tell him now? Nah, let's wait until the right moment.

“You look great Ginny.” he said. A compliment!!!!!!!!!!

“You look great too.” she responded, only blushing a bit.

“Should we, er, go now, or, er….” he said, not quite managing to stay cool.

“Yeah. Let's.” she said.

When they arrived in Hogsweade, they went straight to Honeydukes. When they arrived, they gasped. Well, she did. Rather loudly. He might have, he mightn't have. If he did, it was quietly. Now, the explaination for the gasp(s). Instead of the usual sweets, there were Valentine's day versions of everything. While she had been staring, and staring, and gazing a bit too, he had actually bought her some sweets. Some meaning spending 30 galleons. She tried to deny it, it was too expensive, she didn't want charity (they both knew that made no sense whatsoever), she wasn't hungry, her dog was sick, she was a Death Eater in disguise, one looked like a fellytone, her sister was allergic to sweets. But he did not budge. So she accepted it, and awarded him with a kiss on the cheek. They were both a bit surprised by that. After Honeydukes they went to the Hog's Head, visiting Aberforth, who had invited them to stop by. Apparently he just needed to ramble about how unfortunate he was to have a barmy brother. They did not mind. They rambled as much as he did. A romantic date indeed. Rambling about Albus Dumbledore's barmity. Wish I could get a date ready to ramble about that…

“Well, as fun as it has been Abi, we really do have to go. See you around!” Harry or Ginny said. I don't care. You decide.

“Well, I suppose I've rambled a bit too much. Good-bye kids!” he said cheerfully.

When they were out on the street, Harry said:

"Pleasent chap, Abi is. Wish he was our headmaster instead of the barmy bugger we have now.“

”I quite agree. Maybe he would even serve firewhiskey in feasts!“

”Oh, and allow us to hex the Slytherins into oblivion.“

”And have the curfew at 6 AM instead of 9 PM.“

”Yeah, that would be much more fun.“

”Albus bloody Buggerdore!“

They continued to have a pleasent conversation until they suddenly found themselves in front of the Shrieking Shack. They gazed at it for a while, trying to decide what to eat for lunch the following Tuesday. When they had settled for bouillabase, they began to walk away from this very pleasent building which I am dearly in love with.

”Where should we go now?“ Ginny asked?

”Astronomy Tower?“

”Nah, let's finish our Hogsweade day first.“

”But I want to gaze at the stars…“

”Harry, it's barely 2 PM. Do you honestly think you will see any stars now?“

”At the sky then.“

”Harry, stop whining.“



”Any other suggestions?“

”Astronomy Tower?“

”Shut up.“

”OK, I'll pick something else.“


”Picked anything yet?“

”Never interrupt a great thinker while he's thinking.

“Picked anything yet?”

“Hog's Head?”

“We've spent the better part of the day there.”




“Any oher suggestions?”

“Astronomy Tower?”







“Hey, there's something. Let's go inside.”

It was Madam Puddifoot's. Ginny was delighted. Harry was delighted that Ginny was delighted. Ginny got even happier when she saw that Harry was delighted. When Harry saw that Ginny got happier, he got a lot happier. All in all, it was a good decision to enter.

“Tea Ginny?” Harry, ever the gentleman, asked.

“Yes, please.”

“Anything to eat, perhaps?”

“No thanks.”

“Two teas.” Harry said to Madam Puddifoot.

A few minutes later, they were chatting and drinking tea. One might think the tea was spiked.

“A lot.” they said at the same moment, and then burst out laughing. While laughing like maniacs, Ginny suddenly felt serious.


“Yes, Ginny.”

“When did you start to like me?”

He seemed to think it over, and Ginny did not rush him. She really wanted to get a good, truthful answer.

"I guess it was sometime before Christmas. You had been wonderful in the summer, making me laugh and things like that, making me feel normal, something noone else seemed to be able to. Then, Ron and Hermione's prefect duties increased significantly, and I could always count on you. 'I feel bad. Where's Ginny?' It was a bit selfish, I admit, but, well, anyway. And then those thoughts began to pop into my mind, like 'Ginny's very pretty' and 'Nice bum'. And then, suddenly, it all made sense. 'I fancy Ginny Weasley' I thought one day. But I do think it is more, Ginny. I know it's our first date, but I just have to tell you Ginny Weasley, that I love you.“

”I love you too." She didn't have to think twice before saying that. They were staring at each other. At each other's eyes. Green lost in brown. Brown lost in green. And then, slowly, they leaned in, and shared their very first kiss. And it was pure bliss. Neither had experienced sensations like that, every nerve on fire, blood flowing through their veins, eyes closed and their mind focused on a mental image of the other. And they yet had to experience tounge.

They were not in a hurry to leave Madam Puddifoot's. Actually, they did not leave until she closed at 6 PM. And then Ginny indeed fulfilled her promise of going to the Astronomy Tower. Even with the threat called Voldemort, neither had experienced happier times.

A/N: Well, I daresay it was a tad different. I did not use any bonus phrases, I wrote from Ginny's POV and they went to the Hog's Head. I never meant for a word in the story to be serious, even though it turned out like it did. I know it's short, but long does not automatically mean good. Anyway. I apologixe for grammatical errors, like this one. I was in a hurry, you see.

Please read my story, Cut, which never made it to ‘Recently added’, unless you count page two.


Please review.

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