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Harry Potter is an orphan who lives with his aunt, uncle and cousin, Petunia, Vernon and Dudley.
At Harry’s eleventh birthday Harry discovered something that was going to change his life, he was a wizard. Harry’s parents, James and Lily Potter, had been killed by Voldemort, a evil wizard feared by the whole wizarding community, but something had happened when he tried to kill Harry, and instead of killing Harry Voldemort lost all his power. Those news shocked Harry very much, having been told that his parents were killed in a carcrash.
Harry then started his first year at ,,Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry’’. There Harry met many other wizards and his first best friends, Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger.
At Harry’s first year he also fought Voldemort and triumpthed over him again. The same happened the second year at Hogwarts.
In Harry’s third year he found out that he had a godfather, Sirius Black, that had spent the last thirteen years in the wizard prison Azkaban. Harry also found out that Sirius was being framed by Peter Pettigrew. When Harry and Sirius have Peter he escapes, leaving Sirius no other choice once more than to run to the mountains.
In the fourth book Harry battled Voldemort, who killed a student Cedric Diggory, once more but Harry didn’t defeat him he only escaped and Voldemort returned.

Harry Potter and the
Order of the Phoenix

After Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts he spent his summer at the Dursleys, annoyed of having gotten no news of Voldemort. One day Harry went out for a walk having had a fight with his uncle Vernon.
After having spent the day just walking Harry met Dudley’s gang in the evening. Dudley had changed his physical form for the last year having been on a diet and having started boxing. After Dudley’s gang went home Harry decided to walk home with Dudley. Harry started egging Dudley on calling him baby names like Petunia did.
Then something weird happened, darkness came and it was like all happiness was beeing sucked out of Harry, Dementors were there. But it was impossible, Dementors in a muggle neighbourhood. One of them attacked Harry but the other one attacked Dudley. Harry fought the one attacking him and then he fought the one attacking Dudley. Then an old lady, mrs. Figg, came and took them home.
There Harry had to explain everyting to Dudley’s frightened parents.
After a shower of owl post Harry decided to stay there after having concidered leaving. The day after Harry was locked in his room when he hears a crash downstairs. The Dursleys were away so it couldn’t have been them. The door opened and Harry went downstairs. There he saw that Professor Lupin, a wizard from the third book, Mad-Eye Moody, a wizar that had been captured by a death-eater but escaped in the fourth book and seven or six other wizards were there. They told him that he should come with them, he was going away from the Dursley’s. They went flying on broomsticks. It was very cold and when they landed they went into a mysterious house.
There he met all his friends Sirius, Hermione, Ron and the rest of the Weasley’s. There he talked to Ron and Hermione and they told about the Order of the Phoenix. The Order of the Phoenix was a secret society, founded by Dumbledore, to fight Voldemort and his followers. He also found out that he had to go to a hearing in the ministry of magic. Harry stayed at ,,Grimmaud place”, that is what the house was called, and met all his friends. Harry went with Mr. Weasley to the ministry. From there he went to the hearing. It was nothing like a hearing, it was like a trial, the whole Wisengatmot, a wizard court that usually only took care of serious kinds of trials not hearings.
The hearing didn’t go well at first but Mrs. Figg came and testified for Harry. Harry won the trial and was OK to go. After spending the next few days at the “Grimmaud place” it was time to go to school. He went on the the “Hogwart’s express”. There he met for the first time Luna Lovegood, an odd girl the same age as Ginny (Ron’s sister). When back at school Harry and his friends went to the sorting and school declaration. There they found out that they had a new “defence against the dark arts” teacher, Dolores Jane Umbridge the undersecretary of the minister of magic, referred to as professor Umbridge. She said at the sorting that there were going to be some changes at Hogwarts, she didn’t say it really like normal people would’ve, only in words that intelligent people could understand it.
Harry started school by getting himself a week’s detention with professor Umbridge. The detention was unlike others, he had to write “I must not tell lies” on a paper with a pen that made the words cut in his hand and make him bleed awfully. Ron told Harry that he was going to the tryouts for a keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Even though Ron did not fly the best at the tryouts he still got on the team.
After many useless defence against the dark arts lessons Hermione talked to Harry about wanting to start a defence against the dark arts club of some kind. The idea didn’t seem so stupid, after all they weren’t learning anything in their defence against the dark arts lessons. They were only reading because the ministry didn’t want students to learn any really useful spells. But then Hermione said that she wanted Harry to be their teacher. The idea seemed stupid to Harry at first but then he agreed to meet a group of other students at a bar called the “Hog’s head” in Hogsmeade. But before the trip to the Hog’s head professor Umbridge got another job at Hogwarts called “the High Inquisitor” which had just been made by the minister of magic so the ministry would get more power at Hogwarts. Then Harry, Hermione and Ron went to the Hog’s head.
When they were there they waited for the others to come. When they did Harry found out that it was a very big group. He explained why they were there and also found out they had much more interest in knowing what had happened the year before, when Cedric Diggory died. Harry got very irritated by that, and told them he was not there to discuss that, but to ask if they were interested in being members of the club. At last the other students signed a paper saying they would come and agreeing not to mention this to anyone else. Then the next day Umbridge or the High Inquisitor put education decree number twentyfour in use, that decree said that all student societies, orginisations, teams, groups and clubs were disbanded and that if one existed without the knowledge of the High Inquisitor any student that belonged to or formed it would be expelled. Then the first formal meeting of the group was held in the Room of Requirement, a place in Hogwarts that Dobby told him about. At the first meeting they all decided that the club was supposed to be named “Dumbledores army”, and would be called the DA outside of the meetings, and that there would be practices even though the education decree said they couldn’t.
Later that month there was a Quiddidch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Ron did not do good, in fact he did not save one goal. Even though he did not do good Harry got the Snitch and won them the match. After the match Draco Malfoy, Harry’s nemesis at Hogwarts, started insulting George and Fred, Ron’s brothers, and also Harry by saying Mrs. Weasly was fat and that the house that Ron lived in stank and reminded him of the house he lived in with his parents. By saying that Draco made Harry and George attack him, but not Fred he was being held by all the girls in his team so he could not, not using their wands but their fists hitting Draco as hard as they could. After that they were taken to professor McGonnagal who wanted them to be punished but the Umbridge came in saying that they would be removed from the Gryffindor Quiddidch team and also Fred because he would have hit Draco had he not been held by his other teammates.
Later Harry found out that Hagrid had come back after having been away the whole schoolyear. They went down to Hagrid’s hut the same evening. When they first looked at him they got quite a shock. There he was standing, all beaten up and holding dragonmeat up to his face. They persuaded him to tell them what he had been doing. After arguing a bit he agreed to tell them his story. He told them that he had been with another half-giant, Madame Maxime a principal of another wizard school. He told them that they had been travelling to giants. Dumbledore had sent them to offer the giants to join Dumbledore against Voldemort. He told them they went to the leader of the giants and presented him with gifts. The leader took them well for the first two days, but the night of the second day a fight broke out between the giants. In the morning there was a new leader, a bigger one. And before Hagrid or Madame Maxime could do anything, Voldemort’s followers had already come to try to persuade the giants to join them. Hagrid and Maxime tried to find some of the giants that were hiding in the caves, and had supported the first leader. They found some giants there, a few spoke English and translated for the other giants. After they had found a few giants in the caves the “death eaters”(which is what Voldemorts followers are called) found the giants that were hiding and gave them quite a beating. And then it was clear to them that it was hopeless and went home. “But how did you get those wounds Hagrid?” they asked, “oh that’s just a few bumps and bruises, now get going to the castle”. And then Harry, Ron and Hermione went to the castle.
Later that week Harry went off to bed as usual. But when he was asleep he had a weird dream. He was sliding down a corridor, not walking but sliding like a snake. He went down that corridor and suddenly he saw someone. It was Mr. Weasly. Harry couldn’t control himself and attacked Mr. Weasly. Blood was everywhere and Harry woke up yelling. Ron woke up and Seamus Finnigan went to get Professor McGonnagal. When she came Harry told here what happened and she took him to Dumbledore. There he told him also what had happened, and was getting impatient because noone was doing anything when Mr. Weasly was dying. Dumbledore ordered some of the pictures, that had frames in other places and could travel through them, to go and check things. Then he sent for Ron and his brothers and sister. And when they were there he made them travel with a portkey to Grimmaud place to wait there. When they were all there Sirius greeted them. But all were too worried to chat. Sirius tried to calm them down and gave them all butterbeer.
Then in the morning, all the other things had happened during the night, Ron’s mother, Molly, came and told them that Mr. Weasly was OK. The kids were told that they should stay at Grimmaud place for Christmas.She also told them all that they were allowed to come to St. Mungos, the wizard hospital, to visit Mr. Weasly. It was a weird position, at first as it seemed to be a old, ugly house. But when they were inside it seemed not so bad. In St. Mungos there were no nurses nor doctors, but healers. When they came to Mr. Weasly he was lying on his bed reading the Daily prophet, the newspaper wizards in England read. He greeted them all and thanked Harry for warning everyone. He told them he was fine but that the bandages could not go off yet or he would start to bleed really much. Then when Mrs. Weasly looked at it better she saw that Mr. Weasly didn’t have normal magic things on his wound but stitches, and they were not really working the way they usually do. She started a fight with Mr. Weasly. Meanwhile the kids decided to go for a cup of tea.
On the way they surprisingly met Gilderoy Lockhart, a man that used to be famous in the wizard world and was also a professor at Hogwarts in Harry’s second year. He was at St. Mungo’s because of a memory spell caused by Ron’s wand but their pity was less since he had been trying to put a spell on Ron and Harry. When they went into the ward that Lockhart was in they saw Neville Longbottom. He knew why Neville was there, he was there because of his parents, (Harry had seen it in the Pensieve, a magical tool used to take out memories and guard them there, that was in Dumbledore’s office in his fourth year). His parents had been members of the Order of the Phoenix, but had been tortured to insanity by Voldemorts followers. Before Harry could do anything Ron had already seen Neville and yelled to him. Harry and the others went to Neville who was ther with his grandmother who he lived with. When Neville’s Grandmother had found out that Neville hadn’t told anyone about his parents she got angry with him, telling him that he should be proud of his parents. Later they went back to Grimmaud place. Ther he first met Sirius and everyone had dinner. Afterwards Snape came to Harry and told him he should take Occlumency, a magical defence of the mind. Sirius and Snape had a argument and very about to attack each other until Mr. and Mrs. Weasly and the kids came. After the christmasvacation Harry and the other kids were told that they should go with the Knight bus, a magical vehicle that wizards use, to Hogwarts.
The first Occlumency lesson was to be with Snape a few days after his coming to Hogwarts. His lesson did not go well, Snape mocked Harry and pushed him hard and told him to clear his mind of all thought before going to sleep. Harry found this quite hard, especially because of his hatred to Snape. Harry also went on a date with a girl on Valentine’s day with a girl named Cho Chang. Harry had always liked her. But his date did not go well, she used to be Cedric Diggory’s girlfriend and was always crying because of him and the date got all screwed up because of this and also because he told her that he was going to meet Hermione in the Three Broomsticks, a bar in Hogsmeade.
A few days later Harry witnessed a quite disturbing thing at Hogwarts. Screams were coming from the main hall. When Harry got there he saw professor Trelawny with her trunk screaming and yelling. Harry soon found out that Umbridge was firing her. Then Dumbledore came and asked Trelawney not to go and stay in the castle. He also told Umbridge that he had found another Divinition teacher, Firenze the centaur. Firenze taught Harry and his fellow students divinition. He asked Harry after his lesson to tell Hagrid that his attempt was not working. Harry did not know what this meant and Hagrid wouldn’t tell him anything. Hagrid still had these awful wounds and he told them again that it was just normal, and that he had a rough job and that he got a few bumps and bruses from his work.
The next DA meeting came soon later. Harry and everyone else were practicing spells and charms when Dobby came running to Harry. Dobby told him that professor Umbridge knew about the DA and that she was coming to get them. Harry told everyone to run away at once. Harry ran away too, but something grabbed him by the heels. He had been knocked down to the floor by a charm from Draco Malfoy. Draco called professor Umbridge. She came and took Harry to Dumbledore’s office.
There Fudge, the minister of magic, was there and so were two Aurors, workers of the ministry trained to fight and catch dark wizards. McGonnagal and Dumbledore were also there. Umbridge told everyone what she had found out. She also told them that she had a witness, Marietta Edgecombe Cho Chang’s friend. Umbridge asked Marietta to tell everyone what happened. Marietta shook her head, and then harry saw that her face was all covered in spots that made the letters SNEAK on her face. Harry understood why this was, Hermione had put a jynx on the piece of paper that everyone had signed. Then Umbridge asked Marietta to nod her head if what she had told everyone was true, to Harry’s surprise Marietta shook her head. Umbridge then started shaking Marietta. Dumbledore first sounded really angry and told her not to manhandle his students, and then she came back to her senses. But then she said she didn’t need a witness and showed everyone the piece of paper that the DA members had signed. She also mocked the name, Dumbledore’s army, but then Dumbledore pointed out that it was not Potter’s army but “Dumbledore’s army”. Harry undrestood what he was dooing. He was taking the fault. Fudge then seemed like petrified and told Dumbledore that he was going to arrest him. Dumbledore said that he could not go with that plan, and that he was not going to come quietly and that if they were going to try to arrest him he would have to hurt them. Fudge and the rest except for McGonnagal prepared to fight him. Then a flash of silver came and there were several yells and Harry saw Dumbledore come to him and told him to study Occlumency as hard as he could. Then he went away using some magic that Fawkes the phoenix posessed. Harry then was guided to Gryffindor tower by McGonnagal and Umbridge was made principal. In Harry’s next Occlumeny lesson Snape was not there, but to Harry’s surprise he saw the Pensieve in Snape’s office. Harry looked into it and got into the memory.
Harry saw his father and many other students taking an exam. It looked like they were taking their owls. Then all the exams flew into the air and the students walked away. His father joined up with Lupin, Sirius and Peter Pettigrew. They went to the castle grounds and sat by a tree. There his father played with a Snitch that he had nicked. There they sat quietly until Sirius saw Snape sitting there nearby, Snape and Harry’s father had hated each other when they were there together in school. Sirius and James walked to where Snape was sitting and started calling him names and insulting him. Snape took his wand out and was going to put a spell on James but he was first. Snape hung in the air until Harry’s mother, Lily, came and told James to leave Snape alone. Then Snape called Lily a mudblood, which means dirty blood and is said about people who are muggleborn. At that James cast another spell on Snape and told him to take that back. By then Lily had had enough and walked away. Then Sirius and James started casting spells on Snape at will.
But then someone grabbed him hard by the shoulder, it was the adult Snape. Harry and Snape went back to Snape’s office through the pensieve. There Snape threw Harry on the floor and told him never to come to his office again. Later that week Harry was told he should attend to McGonnagal to receive career’s advice. Harry found out that not only was this in Umbridge’s office but she was also there. McGonnagal asked Harry what he had considered doing after school. Harry told her he’d considered being an Auror. McGonnagal told him he would have to bring his grades up, and also that he would have to continue potions and receive an outstanding in his Owl’s to be able to do that. Umbridge then cut in and told McGonnagal that Harry was not the material for an Auror. Afterwards when Harry was in the common room with Hermione and Ron Fred and George came over. They asked Harry if he´d been trying to reach Sirius, Harry said yes but that it wasn’t possible because of Umbridge guarding all the fireplaces. Fred told him that they could help him. He said that they could make a diversion for him to keep Umbridge busy while he went to her fireplace which was the only one that could be used.
Harry took out his invisibility cloak and went to Umbridge’s office. When Harry came there he found a bowl with some floo-powder. He put some in the fire and said nr. 12 Grimmaud place in the fire and found his head in the fireplace at Grimmaud place. He called Sirius, Lupin first came which then called Sirius who came a moment later. Harry told them about how he went into Snape’s memory and saw his father and the rest. Lupin and Sirius were very interested in how James had been there. Then Harry told them that Snape had caught him and wasn’t going to teach him Occlumency anymore. At that Lupin and Sirius were really stressed. Harry didn’t know why that was, after all he didn’t like it and Snape was always humiliating him. But Lupin told him that he had to continue Occlumency.
Then Harry heard a sound of someone coming into Umbridge’s office. It was Filch who went to the desk and took out a piece of paper. And Harry was fast enough to put on the invisibility cloak. Harry then followed Filch down to the main hall. There he saw many students in a crowd. And then he saw Umbridge standing over Fred and George. They told Umbridge, who had been planing to use whips on them because they had changed a corridor into a swamp upstairs, that they had had enough of school and were ready to go to the real world. They told all the students to come to the joke shop in Diagon Alley. They had rented a house there for the the money Harry gave them since he had competed in the triwizard tournament.
The Quidditch finals were coming soon. Ron was really stressed since he’d been doing horribly in the last few matches. Then the day of the final match of the Quidditch cup came. Harry went with Hermoine to the stadium.
Then Hagrid came to Harry and Hermione and told them that he had to talk to them. Harry didn’t want to go because of the match but Hagrid told them it was really important. Harry and Hermione went with Hagrid. Hagrid went to the forbidden forest, and then Harry really started to doubt if he should do it. But he continued because Hagrid asked him to.
They were deeper in the forest than they had ever been, Harry had been there once before with Ron in his second year. Harry was starting to get nervous since he’d heard of horrible creatures inside the forest. Hagrid told Harry and Hermione to stop. Then they saw what at first looked like a mound of earth but it couldn’t have been because it was breathing. Hagrid explained to them that this was his half-brother. His mother took up with a giant after she left Hagrid’s father and had Grawp. Hagrid told them he took him here because he was small for a giant, sixteen feet. Hagrid told them he wanted them to teach him some English and manners because Umbridge would probably sack him, since Hagrid was the Care of magical creatures teacher. Though Harry and Hermione were afraid of the giant they agreed since Hagrid cared so much for Grawp. Then the giant woke up. Hagrid told him Harry and Hermione’s name so that he would remember them. Grawp almost caught Hermione but Hagrid stopped him.
Hagrid told Harry and Hermione that Grawp would remember them if they came again. On their way out of the forest they met the centaur pack which Firenze had belonged to. They said that they would let Hagrid go through because he had children with him. But if they saw him again there they would have to stop him because he had stopped them from killing Firenze.
Then they went out of the forest and saw the crowd going from the castle. But it was not the serpent banner that was held up high it was the Gryffindor lion. Ron was holding the Quidditch cup yelling to Harry and Hermione that they had won. Ron was very excited about this and was always telling them about how he kept the Quaffle, the red ball which is used in Quidditch to score, away from the goal hoops. But then Hermione couldn’t stand any more and told Ron about where they had been and that they had not been at the match. Ron was very disappointed at first but he understood when they told him about Grawp.
But they had to keep their minds, OWLs were near. OWLs were the exams that fifth years took and were really important when you were applying for a job. Then the week of the exams came. Harry took an exam in Defence against the dark arts first, and maby he had received an outstanding owl for his performance in that exam. An exam in Potions and Transfiguration. Then he went to the highest tower in the school for the exam in Astronomy. The exam was ofcourse at night so they could see the stars. Then he saw down on the grounds a group of people walking to Hagrid’s hut. Harry knew who the one leading the group was, it was Umbridge. Then when they came out of the hut yells were coming from the grounds. Harry saw Hagrid’s figure yelling and hitting some of the people who were attacking him, shooting him with stunner spells. But they just bounced off, probably because he was an half-gaint. Harry yelled at them but the examiner told him to stop yelling and that there was limited time for the exam. Then McGonnagal came trying to protect Hagrid telling the people to leave him be. But then she was shot by five stunners in one. Harry and the examiner yelled when that happened and the examiner totally forgot the exam. Hagrid hit the one’s that did it. Then he escaped running away.
The next day Harry was to take an exam in magic history. Harry started the exam well. But then he had a dream. He was running through doors and came to a room. There he saw a black figure on the floor. It was Sirius. Harry spoke in a cold voice and told Sirius to get something for him becuse he could not get it. Harry understood that he was seeing through Voldemort and that he had Sirius in the Department of Mysteries. Harry woke up on the floor in the great hall, where the exam was. The examiner, Mrs. Tofty, asked if he wanted to lie down. Harry told her that he would just like to go. He was as stressed as one can be. Harry went to the Hospital wing trying to look for McGonnagal. He met Madam Pomfrey and told her he had to see professor McGonnagal. Madam Pomfrey told him that McGonnagal had been sent to St. Mungos in the morning. Harry was desperate, with McGonnagal gone there was noone left in the school from the Order.
Harry at once ran to Ron and Hermione. He told them everything and that he had to get to the Department of Mysteries. Hermione was not so confident that Sirius was there and told him that maybe it was just a dream. Harry got really angry and told her he had to get there at once, Sirius was being tortured by Voldemort. Hermione asked Harry to please contact someone at Grimmaud place first before going to the Department of Mysteries. Harry at alst agreed to this. Ginny and Luna came to them, telling them they’d heard them yelling. Hermione asked them to help and stand guard so noone could enter Umbridge’s office. Harry and Hermione then went to Umbridge’s office and straight to the fireplace. He threw some floo-powder in the fire and said “number twlelve Grimmaud place” and suddenly appeared in the kitchen at Grimmaud place. He called for Sirius but noone came. Then suddenly Kreacher came. Harry asked where Sirius was, Kreacher said he didn’t know. Then Harry asked if he was in the department of misteries. Kreacher said yes to that and that he would not come back from there.
Then something grabbed him on the other side of the fire. Harry swallowed a mouthfull of ash and was dragged out of the fire. It was Umbridge that had pulled him out and that members from the Inquisitor squad, a group of students that Umbridge had selected to enforce her rules, were there holding his friends captive. Umbridge asked Harry who he’d been talking to. Harry didn’t tell and that made Umbridge very angry. She told Draco to get professor Snape. When he came she asked him to give her some more of Veritaserum, a potion can make a person tell only the truth. Snape told her it was finished and he couldn’t make any more until full moon. Umbridge told him to go and put him on probation. He was on his way out when Harry yelled at him that Snuffles had was in the place where it was hidden, Snuffles was the nickname for Sirius when they were talking about him in the school. Snape said he didn’t know what he was talking about and went out of the office. Then Umbridge got very angry and threatened to use the crusiatus curse, one of the three unforgiveble curses and the crusiatus curse made such pain one could not imagine the pain. Hermione told Umbridge not to do it, it was illeagal and the minister would not want it. Umbridge did not listen and was getting ready to do it. Then Hermione yelled she could not stand it and that they had to tell her about it. Harry thought she was talking about Sirius. But then she told Umbridge that Harry had been trying to reach Dumbledore. Then Harry understood that she was bluffing. She also said that they had been trying to tell him that the weapon was ready, the ministry had an idea that Dumbledore had been trying to make an army and a secret weapon against the ministry. Umbridge asked where it was. Herminone said that she would lead her to it. Umbridge decided to take Harry with here too. She told the Inquisitor Squad to keep Harry’s friends there until she got back.
Harry had no idea where Hermione was leading them. She lead them out to the grounds and told Umbridge that it was in the forest. When they came there Hermione started talking louder, Harry then understood her plan. Suddenly a pack of Centaurs , the same one they’d met when they went with Hagrid to see Grawp, armed with bows came. The Centaurs told them they were on their territory. Umbridge then got terrified of them and started insulting them and telling them that they were on territory that the Ministry of Magic had lent them. The Centaurs took Umbridge away but kept Harry and Hermione there arguing about what they should do to them. Then there came a roar from the trees and Grawp came destroying the trees in his way yelling Hagger. Hermione nor Harry understood what he was talking about until he saw Hermione and yelled ,,Hermy, where Hagger’’. Then they understood, he was talking about Hagrid. Hermione said that she didn’t know while the Centaurs all shot arrows at Grawp telling him that this was not his territory. He said nothing and attacked and roared at the Centaurs. Meanwhile Harry and Hermione ran away from the battle and out of the forest.
On the borders of the forest they met Ron and the others. Ron told Harry and Hermione how they fought Draco and the Inquisitor Squad and escaped. Harry said that he had to get to the Department of Mysteries to save Sirius from Voldemort. Harry knew how they could get there. Hagrid had taught them about Thestrals, kinda like horses but you could see their bones and they had black leather-like winges. Harry told them that only he himself, Ron and Hermione were going. But the others argued, they said they were all in the DA and it was all meant to fight Voldemort anyway. Harry didn’t have time to argue so he agreed to it. They all had to hold on very tight so they wouldn’t fall off. The way to London was long and cold but at last they came.
Harry knew how to get into the ministry since he’d been there with Ron’s father to go to the hearing. They had to go in a phone booth and talk to a voice and tell her what you were doing there e.t.c. Then the phone booth shot down into the ground until it came to a hall. There was noone there, tough there ought to be. Harry didn’t have time to wonder about that he had to hurry. There was an elevator there which they took down to the corridor that lead to the Department of Mysteries.
They went through a door which lead them into a big circular room with many doors.
They tried a few doors which only lead them nowhere and when they came back to the circular room it started to spin in circles so that they didn’t know what doors they’d tried. Hermione found a solution to this and put a white cross on the doors they tried. Then after trying some more doors they finally found the right one. There were many doors until they came to the right room which was full with glass balls that had names on it, but no Sirius. Then Ron showed Harry a glass ball with the names Harry Potter and The Dark Lord written on it. Harry picked it up and looked at it, then suddenly there came death-aters out of nowhere.
Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy’s father, was the one leading them. He told Harry to give him the prophecy at once and they would be spared. Harry knew that that last comment had not been told in truthfullness and gave the others signal to throw the other prophecy’s on the floor. Then white spirits came into the air and started saying the prophecy’s outloud. Harry and his friends ran at once away, each in their own direction. After a lot of running around, trying to fight off the death-eaters. Then Harry went into a room he’d been in before when they were searching for the room in which Harry thought Sirius had been in. It had a large stone archway, a most ancient one and Harry thought he could hear voices from it. But then the death-eaters got Neville and one death-eater, Bellatrix which had tormented Neville’s parents into incanity, was using the cruciatus curse on him, making him scream.
Harry was almost to the edge of giving them the prophecy when Sirius, Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody, Tonks, a witch who had gone with Harry also when he was beeing escorted to Grimmaud place for the first time and was in the Order, and there was also Kingsley, a tall, black man who was also in the Order. They all duelled and Harry and Neville tried to go away, but then a death-eater put a dancing spell on Neville so that his feet went swinging in the air. Then Harry held the prophecy in his hand and suddenly Neville, accidently, kicked the prophecy out of Harry’s hand and it smashed on the floor. A white figure came into the air speaking words Harry couldn’t hear because of the racket from the spells going all around in the room. Neville said he was very sorry but Harry didn’t care because he and Neville and his other friends were safe, Dumbledore was there.
But then he saw something happen, Sirius was duelling Bellatrix and they threw a few spells on each other until she hit Sirius and he fell through the archway. Harry thought at first that Sirius would rise from the archway and keep on duelling, but he didn’t. Harry was going to help him but then Lupin grabbed him by the hand and told it wasn’t possible and that Sirius was dead. Harry yelled at him and told him to go and save him, that they only had to pull him out of the archway. Then Harry started to realise that Sirius would have risen if he would have been okay. Lupin held him so that he wouldn’t endanger himself at the archway. Then Harry went mad and went after Bellatrix who was running away. She went upstairs with Harry hard on her heels. When she came up Harry said that he was going to kill her and that there was noone to save her. And also that the prophecy was broken and she had failed her master. Then Harry heard a voice that made him shrill, Voldemort was there in the ministry of magic. He said that he knew that the prophecy was broken and that Harry had stood in his way too often. And when the curse he cast at Harry was almost at him the statue of the wizard that was in the fountain jumped in the way of the curse so that it didn’t hit Harry, Dumbledore was there. Dumbledore fought Voldemort until Voldemort escaped using some dark spell.
The statues of the house elf and the goblin that had gone when Dumbledore had been fighting Voldemort came back with Cornelius Fudge, the minister of magic, just in time to see Voldemort escape. Dumbledore talked to Fudge and told him that he would bve returning to his school and Umbridge would be removed from it. Then he gave Harry a portkey so he could go to the school. Then later that day when Dumbledore had come to the school he talked to Harry. He said that Sirius had died a heroic death and that he knew how Harry felt. Harry yelled at Dumbledore saying that he didn’t have an idea how he felt. Then when Harry was calm again Dumbledore spoke to him about the prophecy. Harry told him that it broke and that noone had heard it because of the fighting. Dumbledore told him that it was ok and that he’d heard it himself when the prophecy was made. He told him that the prophecy was about who was to vanquish the dark lord. He told Harry that he was the one the prophecy spoke about and that he would someday eather have to be Voldemort’s victim or killer. These news shocked Harry very much and he was kinda afraid.
Then later the school was over and summer vacation started. Harry said goodbye to everyone at school and went to King’s Cross train station with the Hogwart’s express. There Ron’s mother, Molly, and some other from the Order talked to Vernon and told him that if they didn’t treat Harry fair that summer he would have to face them. Then Harry went to Privet drivw, full of grief but still kinda excited about how this summer would be.
“There are two kinds of people, those who like me and those who can go to hell!”