Well, well, what do you know? Ég skrifaði framhald á sögunni minni :).
Þetta er á ensku og ég er búinn að skrifa eittvað aðeins meira, það eru spoilerar í þessu.
Þetta gæti verið soldið öðruvísi en hitt, það er soldið síðan ég skrifaði þá sögu.
Endilega látið mig vita ef þið viljið meira, og ég vona að þið njótið :).

Ginny couldn't belive it. He was dead. Harry was dead.
“HARRY!!” She screamed, “Harry, be alive! PLEASE, BE ALIVE!”, and she took his lump body into her arms, he was dead, she saw it in his eyes before she even checked his pulse.
She was out of her mind, not Harry? The love of her life… dead? She cried uncontrollably and buried her face to his.
“Yes, he's dead, little girl, and long overdue, I might add.” Voldemort said grimly, “Even I have trouble believing it, my mission, my mission for 18 years has finally been acomplished, I have forever, eternally and absoloutely vanquished Harry Potter! ”The boy who lived“ indeed!” He shouted with a mad laughter.
Ginny stopped crying suddenly, another emotion filled her, and she looked up, her expression insane, she seemed out of her mind.
“You!” She said loudly and with a grim, angry voice, “You did this! You killed Harry! You vermin… I'm going to kill you, belive me, you rat, I am going to KILL YOU!” she roared those last words and stood up, leaving Harry's dead body on the floor.
It seemed to be a spontanious reaction; Voldemort shouted “Stupefy” and the red beam from his wand bounced off Ginny like a yarn ball of a brick wall, she wasn't the least bit affected by it. It howefer shot back from Ginny's chest to Voldemort, who was thrown back to the wall.
Voldemort had a terrifying thought; this child actually had the ability to kill him, she was protected, and she certainly seemed to have the guts.
His remaining death-eaters were being surrounded by the muggle-lover and his minions, noone was to assist him.
He thought of a hostage; but noone was close.
“You…. you terrible little snake….” Ginny muttered to herself, she was completely mad, shaking from head to foot, murmuring to herself and pointing her wand at Voldemort.
The only thought in Ginny's mind right now was the Voldemort had to be killed, and she was the best choice to do it; he couldn't harm her.
“Expelliarmus” Ginny shouted but Voldemort was too fast, she could hardly see his wand waived, but the spell had obviously been reflected by a shield charm.
This was his only hope, defensive spells, he thought.
He pointed at the bits of glasses on the floor and charmed them to fly at Ginny.
“Scilt” She shouted and a brick shield protected her.
“Expelliarmus!” She shouted several times, and as fast as she could, but Voldemort deflected each curse, seemingly easily.
They looked into each others eyes, hatred and madness shining from Ginny's but some fear and concentration was in Voldemort's.
They both had the same thought; there was one curse Voldemort couldn't deflect, and in her state of mind, Ginny did not think clearly about the consequences and had nothing against using it.
“AVADA KEDAVRA!!” She screamed and a green light shot at Voldemort, who could not evade.
Voldemort's face went blank, and he fell on the floor, clearly dead.
Ginny's mind filled with grim satisfaction and utter enjoyment over seeing Voldemort die.
She walked over to his body, kicked it hard in the head and picked up the wand he had used.
As she looked at his dead body, her madness had started to fade, and she saw what had happened much
clearer, she looked over at Harry's dead body, her love, and then back at Voldemort's, whom she had killed using a highly
illegal curse.
She took her weeping in loud shouts with pauses, started crying uncontrollably, similar to screams and dropped both wands without noticing, and collapsed on the floor, unconcious.