Er að gá hvort einhver hafi hugsanlegan áhuga á line6 low down 175 w bassa magnara sem hefur verið notaður í rúmlegt ár. Flottur og góður fyrir byrendur jaftn sem lengra komna. Með inbygðum tuner og nokrum effectum.

Ætla henda inn smá um effectana á ensku.

Amp Models:
Clean: Inspired by the Eden Traveler, this model is all about clean, funk and fusion bass tone. Itll give you all the warm lows and punchy highs you need.

R & B: Inspired by a 1968 B-15 Flip Top, this model is a tribute to those late 60s and early 70s clean fat bass tones. It is the kind of tone you here on most Motown recordings, as played by a pioneering young James Jamerson.

Rock: This model is inspired by the 74 Ampeg® SVT®. This workhorse has appeared on innumerable recordings and arena stages worldwide. And now all the tone of the 300-pound behemoth 8X10 and head is available in your combo!

Brit: Based on a 68 Marshall® Super Bass, this model delivers the kind of overdriven bass sound brought to us by late 60s British rock pioneers like Cream and The Who.

Grind: As the name would suggest, this is for modern rock lovers, Alice in Chains to Mudvayne and Rage Against The Machine. Based on a distorted SansAmp PSA-1 into an SVT® in addition to a direct clean bass signal mixed in, this model gives you that angry, clear and punchy aggression that takes your sound to DEFCON 1.

Synth: Sitting at the back of the model knob is this secret weapon that turns LowDown into a 70s classic bass synth. From funk to modern rock, this synth model delivers incredible tones and tracks every dynamic move you make with ease!

Envelope Filter: Based on a Electro-Harmonix® Q-Tron, this is the baddest envelope filter on the planet. This effect can be heard on tons of major funk and rock tunes.

Octaver: Based on the EBS® OctaBass®, this effect produces a single note one octave below the pirth of the note played adding a powerful new vibe to your sound.

Chorus: Based on the much loved TC Electronic Chorus™. This is the most transparent, smooth and expressive chorus for bass ever built. Using it does not reduce your low end and it's especially beautiful on fretless bass.

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