Epiphone Dot - Rafmagnsgítar.
-Aldur : 6mánaðar gamall.
-Ástand : Vel með farinn, mjög lítið notaður og hljómar æðislega vel. Ný bónaður og fallegur.
-Verð : 55.000 ( fæst með mjög vandaðri hardcase ).
-Aðrar mikilvægar upplýsingar : http://epiphone.com/default.asp?ProductID=4&CollectionID=1
-Framleiðandi : Epiphone.
-Mynd af gítarnum : http://www.hugi.is/hljodfaeri/images.php?page=view&contentId=5790648
-Staðsettning - Reykjavík.

Fender Rumble 100 - Bassamagnari.
-Aldur : 8mánaðar.
-Ástand : Mjög gott, vel með farinn og mjög lítið notaður og sándar mjöög vel !
-Verð : 20.000.
-Aðrar mikilvægar upplýsingar : With features usually found on more expensive amplifiers, Rumble Series combo amps feature carpet covering, oversized plastic corners, metal grilles and the new Fender Bass Amplification logo. Also, their exclusive red “stage light” pulsates with your playing to inspire you to get better faster! With professional tones and features, Rumble Series combos are available in four models affordable for beginning bassists. The ported Rumble 100 is the big daddy of the series for good reason. With 100 watts of power delivered by a Fender Special Design 15” speaker and high frequency piezo horn, it produces more boom for the buck than any other combo. The four-band EQ lets you shape the tone to taste, along with a convenient mid-scoop button, compression circuitry and active/passive switch. Other features include auxilliary input for CD player or drum machine, effects loop, headphone jack and XLR line out with level control and ground lift.
-Framleiðandi : Fender.
-Mynd af magnaranum : http://cachepe.samedaymusic.com/media/quality,85/brand,sameday/2315600010v1_hi-4ba8fe36df99cf7f65757e1f648e777b.jpg
-Staðsettning : Reykjavík.

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jeee :)