Korg G5 Synth Bass Processor

Er hættur í framleiðslu, vandfundinn og eftirsóttur effekt.
Effektinn virkar mjög vel og lýtur vel út en þesssir effektar bypassa mjög illa svo ég sel looper/ab frá Ollmann Elektronik með.

Korginn: (ekki minn effect, minn lýtur mun betur út)
Upplýsingar um looperinn á þýsku: http://www.ollmann.eu/loop.htm

The Korg G5 Synth Bass Processor is designed exclusively for bass guitar, but in my experience also works with simple mono-phonic bass lines from synths and other sources. The unit tracks a bass line (no chords) from an input signal in the range of a bass guitar and generates a synth tone in the same range.

First, select a waveform. 8 options are available:

1. Fast sawtooth. 2. Slow sawtooth.

These both generate saw tooth waveforms the same frequency as the original. Don't quite know the difference between fast+slow, but aurally they respond quite differently.

3. Fast sawtooth + sub-octave square wave 4. Slow sawtooth + sub-octave square wave

These two are great - as above but adding a square wave an octave below the original signal, producing wonderful subbass tones.

5. V. Slow sawtooth - as 2., but decays over a slower timeframe.

6. Distortion - not strictly speaking a waveform, adds noise to the original signal, but still tonal.

7. Distortion + sub-octave distortion. AS above, but includes a signal an octave lower than the original.

8. Harmonic Distortion, as 6., but with a warmer sounding distortion.

9. Filter - no waveform, the filter section (see below) works on the original signal.

A. Voice1 - adds a vocal-style waveform to the original, hard to describe. Has nuances of digeredoo and vocoder hanging about there.

B. Voice2 - as above, but more extreme. These two waveforms yields a wild range of effects.

Next, the signal passes into a filter section, with controls for Decay, Resonance, and Intensity. The intensity control doubles as filter-cutoff and high-pass/low-pass selector. Unfortunately, crossing the zero-point produces an audible gap in the signal, so careful of sweeping this one too much.

Finally, the synth signal can be mixed with the original signal.

The unit stores up to 9 user-definable presets, accessed via footswitches.

Verð: 20.000kr með straumbreyti og looper sem er djók verð þar sem þessi effect er að seljast á yfir $400 úti
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