Sway “In school I was known as a bit of a joker,” he said. “I used to mess around. I used to really be good academically without trying. When somebody takes the piss with me in a lesson, I dedicate the whole of the rest of the lesson to embarrassing you. That's my specialty. You don't want Sway to start, ‘cause I’ll corner you. I'll dis every single aspect of you. And this was before I was rapping. So what I done on the battle stage is combine that ability with my rhyming ability, and it took me through. People just loved me. I was only 16, and I was battling 25-year-old men, and people loved me.”

Uppáhalds breski rapparinn minn… æðislegur producer líka. Með góðan húmor og skemmtilegar línur. Hafið öruglega öll heyrt eitthvað með honum ef ekki þá check it.

“This is my message to the people of America,” he said. “I'm not Oliver Twist, I'm not the Spice Girls, I'm not anybody you've ever seen before, so make sure you buy my album, otherwise I'll come over there and do absolutely nothing. Sway.”

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