My first flow was lame, like everybody be facing when they first started to talk in this game, take there first walk on this lane, we all got the reason to make mistakes, but aim t same of my self, more practicing I do, the more better I come, so well, thank all of yaw who type the comments, because that made the bell ring, I am canceling to got to hell, instead I am sitting in front of my desk, wit this paper and pen, with too much shit on my chest, but aint strong enough to be nav in a contest, because I cant spell words right, shit I am depressed, I must have been cutting classes or probably I fail on the test, yaw aint braking my neck, its only a disrespect, I take it as a message, that one day I am be phat, blowing lyrics from right and left, rocking the crowd wild, wit gangsters and gentlemen freestyle, but meanwhile I am working on it, yaw just wait and see, my provoke in, one of them youngest emcee, who spread disease, burn all yaw busters dooooown in this industry, just remember the dead broke, one day ii'be fame, then what yaw gone to say, nothing but silent going on, when rep my song, hotter then hottest correspond, can yaw imagine, the imitation wicker, all of sudden wit valuable shit on his tong, constantly tearing the roof off, yeaaah it will be the bomb,mr dead broke, ROCK ON, hehe he he one…..

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