I shall walk this earth, forgetting all that was before
prior thoughts and pre-conceived notions I'll ignore
in the middle of the battlefield, I forgot the war
I'm laying down my weapons, don't know what I'm fighting for
I could steal the mines of Salomon and still be feeling pour
I know there's no way out but still I'm looking for the door
my bones are getting tired and my eyes are feeling sore
I licked all my wounds but it bleeds more and more
until the light fades, death sharpens blades
until my walls crumble down and desinagrade
I'm playing russian roulette but not afraid
so untie the beast and open up the gate
for I meet it anyway, in dream or in wake
hiding inside a closet, under my bed, I smell it's hate
it get's u from inside, has a slice, leaves the cake
but it always comes back, eats it all, leaves the plate
so it's lack of love, clenches my wings with a metal glove
and I swear I hear laughter above
the picture that I'm painting up is not so beautiful
but I'm drawing with a lipstick on the mirror so it's mutual
in this two-dimensional world I'm an individual
the bonds between me and death are incorruptible
but at the same time me and life are fairly just inseperable
wanna meet these two extremes in a manner that's acceptable
the ritual, persists of floating in a monotone
stage like a virgin, the dagger is my microphone
I kick, punch, cry, scream, I just wanna be left alone!
petrified of getting lost but still wake up too far from home
I roam, and try to conquer back my thrown
that got lost long ago in a world unknown.

þakka viðbrögðin við fyrri rímunni.
og það þýðir ekkert að dissa mig fyrir að skrifa þessar á ensku. Ég er betri en þið flestir á íslensku líka þannig að
fuck your negativity!