evacuate the premises, vigorous sentences lacerate
lateral thinking, debriefing sequences up to date
fuck the wait, a lifetime of rhymes is such a waste
without an inspiration, anticipatin a fuckin great
how much can we take? too much to lose in this game
what and who's are to blame, plus a fool and his fame
irregardless of the stipulations, an artist demands
an A&R to play his part to win the hearts of his fans
sure i've been there, and at last i have a product
offspring i've dreamed, remembering the mom's fucked
then tongues touched and a shift of power was handed
the hour demanded plans that i had taken for granted
outlandish and branded, can't stand the pain it brings
orchestrating things, and pulling all of the strings
so it seems, at times i don't want to call it quits
every nigga named William, cant help but Bob to this
by word of mouth, it spreads thru the north and south
raise the roof and solemly invite you to an open house
i've spoke about, the past, present, and future tense
climed the gateway, and stormed my way thru the fence
although i knew the shit, would lead to something else
speaking in tongues, its another message within itself

SC2 - wGbBanzaii.765