Ég hef sjálfur mjög gaman af efni frá Anticon. En fyrir þá sem ekki vita þá er Anticon plötuútgáfufyiritæki. Ég las þetta á HHI message boardinu um daginn og vildi fá að heyra álit ykkar á þessu sem þessi einstaklingur hafði að segja.

Is this the Sole vs. Elpee message board?
Or is this just the Anticon message board?
I would just like to say that Anticon is the part of hiphop I hate most—-I cant bob my head to their beats, women wont listen to it, black people dont like it, i cant stand the beats, its not jiggy, u cant dance to it, whats all this art music for? I dont get it. I'd rather listen to Trick Daddy, Hot Boys, and Snoop DOgg. What satisfaction do u homos get from listening to Anticon? Are they clever or something? I've cracked on Slug, and I've cracked on Tonedeff, but I shouldve took the time dissin Anticon, because they are by far the wackest affiliation in hiphop. And those of you that dont appreciate the real, raw emcees like the ones who drop shit on Fat Beats and the ones that beat on little Anticon groupies, go play the guitar like Wyclef.