Já ég veit ekki hvernig þetta er hjá ykkur þarna á íslandi en hérna í bandaríkjunum er varla hægt að labba án þess að sjá mynd af eminem, það er mikil keppni i gangi milli tónlistabúða um að selja þessa plötu!
Núna rétt áðan var ég að kaupa í matinn, þá sá ég 6 fulla flutningabíla af curtain call merktar stórum stöfum EMINEM, það voru menn að bera diskana úr flutningabílunum í eitthverja risastóra tónlistabúð.
Diskurinn er nú þegar uppseldur í flestum búðum og komst á top 5 lista yfir vinsælustu jólagjafirnar í bandaríkjunum.

En þetta er ekki það eina sem ég ætla að tala um :)

Þessi snillingur hefur gert mörg lög um fyrrverandi kærustu hans “Kim” t.d. á plötunni The Marshall Mathers LP er lag sem heitir Kim, í því lagi var hann að drepa hana. En nú eru þau væntanlega að fara að byrja aftur saman :)

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Stranger things have happened, but not many. In a call to a Detroit radio show on Tuesday, Eminem said that he is back together with his on-again, off-again and apparently on-again ex-wife, Kim Mathers. In fact, he revealed that the pair may marry

Photos, audio and video from this story

“When I'm Gone”
Curtain Call: The Hits

again, according to a story from The Associated Press.

“We have reconciled and are probably going to remarry,” Eminem told Detroit radio station WKQI-FM's “Mojo in the Morning” show. The teenage sweetheart couple, who were married in 1998 and underwent an ugly divorce and custody battle over their daughter Hailie Jade, finalized their divorce in 2001 (see “Eminem's Divorce From Kimberly Mathers Finalized”), though Em reportedly referred to Kim, 30, as his wife repeatedly during the interview.

Kim, who has been the unflattering subject of violent songs like “Kim” on The Marshall Mathers LP, in which Em rapped about killing his wife, attempted suicide in the couple's home in 2000 following a hometown concert by the rapper at the Palace of Auburn Hills and was arrested on drug charges in 2003 (see “Eminem's Ex-Wife Kim Mathers Charged With Drug Possession”).

Eminem also talked about his stay in a rehabilitation facility on the radio show. He was treated earlier this year for a dependency on sleeping pills (see “Eminem Hospitalized For Sleep-Medication Dependency”).

“When I went into rehab, I kind of went into it … with the notion of ‘I’m gonna get clean, I'm gonna get off this stuff before it gets too out of hand,' ” he said. The news about the hospitalization came in August after the rapper canceled his European tour, initially citing exhaustion and unspecified “other” medical issues.

Though the 33-year-old MC denied reports in the Detroit press in July that he was retiring (see “Eminem: ‘I’m Not Retiring' ”), in the radio interview Em made it sound like he had some time off planned. “I'm at a point in my life right now where I feel like I don't know where my career is going,” he said. “This is the reason that we called it Curtain Call, because this could be the final thing. We don't know.” In a promotional video for the album, Em mentions that at the very least, the album is the final appearance by his Slim Shady alter ego.

Along with Tuesday's episode of “TRL,” in which Eminem discussed his daughter Hailie, this radio call is one of the only live interviews that the rapper has planned to promote Curtain Call, according to his label, Interscope Records.